Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [adv] [adv] that they " in BNC.

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1 and er , it 's just so that they can maybe pick out oh yeah !
2 It 's only recently that they 've been doing more good than harm and it 's therefore ironic that people have tended to give so much publicity in the last twenty or thirty years to the things that have gone wrong , to the disasters which sometimes do happen with medicines , because really medicines now , as compared with thirty or forty years ago , are doing a tremendous amount of good .
3 Residents had to wait a year before they could put in claims and it 's only now that they 're getting their offers through , based on the district valuer 's assessment of the value of their homes .
4 Second , he feels guilty about how he treated you and wants to make amends — something people often do when they find happiness because it 's only then that they can afford to consider how much they have hurt others .
5 It is not simply that they have different views of the world , but that they each define what is the evidence in a different way .
6 But also , it is not exactly that they bring sexuality to politics ( it was always already there ) ; rather deviant desire brings with it a different kind of political knowledge , and hence inflects both desire and politics differently .
7 It is not merely that they are not just another class of public phenomena ; it is through nothing but experiences themselves that such phenomena become objects for us .
8 It is n't only that they enjoy commercial success and critical acclaim , but because they are , in the jargon of the trade , ‘ good copy ’ — talkative , controversial , witty and opinionated on a whole range of topics .
9 It is precisely there that they considered themselves the most competent and consequently interfered in all spheres of its life .
10 It is easy for adopted parents to feel hurt or rejected and it is only rarely that they and the child make the search together .
11 It is only then that they will be deemed ready to report to the flying squadron .
12 The problem for beginning readers is to decode the visual symbols into a form which can be recognised , for it is only then that they will be able to bring previously gained knowledge to bear upon the meaning of the text .
13 This has been the case with many traditional British companies and it is only now that they are really being exposed to greater change .
14 Notoriously young children learn very quickly how to recite numbers in the right order without having any clear notion of their " cardinal " properties , and it is only gradually that they begin to associate their respective positions in the number series with a relation of magnitude .
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