Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [adj] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone has their own favourite gardening wheeze , and if yours is original enough to print on this page we 'll send you a £50 cash prize .
2 If you do not have one already get yourself a diary which is small enough to carry with you .
3 A drag coefficient of just 0.30 helps the Safrane to a achieve a top speed of 129mph , which is good enough to see off the Granada ( 123mph ) , but this looks distinctly average when every other car on our rivals page can top 130mph .
4 First , a star with a mass of roughly will end its cycle of thermonuclear burning with an iron core which is massive enough to collapse under its own gravitational self-attraction .
5 But I am sure that a dynamic system which is flexible enough to respond to congestion as and when it occurs and can cope over time with any land use intensity changes without modification , will be more acceptable to the travelling public than rigid systems .
6 This man she 's married finally came to his senses , but he was refusing to marry her at one point .
7 Report to me when you consider she is proficient enough to manage on her own , ’ Kerly said .
8 It is only through the radical reconception of language use prefigured here that she is able truly to break with the traditional novel .
9 He compares the position with that of a pentathlon athlete , who is good enough to compete at top level in each event separately — along with quite a lot of other people .
10 ‘ Karl has given me no indication that he wants to leave and Paul Dixon is the only player they have got who is good enough to get in my side .
11 Sapphire , the Black woman who is light-skinned enough to pass for White is pregnant by her White fiance ’ , but again the child does not appear as it is annihilated along with its mother .
12 THE MACHO MAN : His present is his presence : his life story , a feel of his biceps , a drunken kiss to any woman who is silly enough to stray within reach of his groping ; and , if he is feeling generous , the promise of a night out at his local .
13 The help of a skilled adult , who can stand back and observe and who is ready also to join with a child as he plays , to .
14 ‘ Everything was just perfect , ’ he said , ‘ but when one is fortunate enough to come to the Chewton Glen , it has to be right … the standard is so high .
15 As can be the case with such creative minds , many of the ideas are regarded as crazy , but occasionally one is crazy enough to lead to real breakthroughs .
16 Then suddenly there 's this loud bang from somewhere and they all fly off , like a mirror that 's been smashed — pieces flying everywhere .
17 The tone was to become snarling : ‘ Charmley often tortures the evidence and there is much else to criticise in his scholarly but eccentric re-writing of history .
18 The bomb , which has been safely disposed of , is not on display , but there is much else to admire in the way of embroidery , china , glass , silver and costume .
19 As always there is much more going on than its seems , and some bright new star of the genre is likely to emerge out of nowhere .
20 There is much currently spoken about ‘ consultation with service-users ’ but this can all too easily become tokenistic without informed advice about how to realise this aim .
21 There is little else left in their lives .
22 That brings out the colour of your eyes so beautifully , and it 's casual enough to look as if you have n't dressed up .
23 It 's small enough to fit on the mantelpiece .
24 Cos that was about , that must have been about erm er I 'd say time about , yes I should say about nineteen , nineteen thirty four and they built a pipeline out from the sewer outfall and they put two dolphins out there , and they reckon that the water , when it 's purified just to go into the river was really clean water .
25 And you 're talking to your mate and it 's all just happening by magic .
26 Erm i but surely it 's a , i it 's an awkward in a sense it 's two o it 's great , it 's alright this end it 's two o'clock sailing from here , but I mean that means
27 Despite the MIDI nature of the JMP-1 , it 's useful still to think of it as a basic preamp .
28 If the boat capsizes because it 's overpowered simply scramble into the high side until you end up standing on the daggerboard .
29 Tonally there 's a lot more bottom end than I was expecting , and while it would n't pass for the finest of Martins , it 's good enough to fit into any acoustic line-up and would certainly be bright enough to handle picking and single line solos .
30 Like all the best puzzlers it 's simple enough to get into without a struggle , so addictive you 'll always want ‘ just one more go ’ and , you guessed it , frustrating in the extreme !
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