Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [verb] [is] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The " something " which is said is called by Guillaume an " import of meaning " ( 1984 : 120 – 2 ) and corresponds on the linguistic level to the lexeme or non-grammatical part of the word 's meaning .
2 The ‘ catch ’ is that , even though the time when something is done is decided by the volunteer , he has no cues from clocks , television , or other humans as to what the time really is .
3 Urquhart says the board 's new figures can not be assessed until the research on which it is based is published in full .
4 Filetab is trying to prevent a firm called Ace Microsystems from selling a computer program on the grounds that the language in which it is written is owned by Filetab .
5 Both mechanisms can be viewed as part of the liberal response to the threat to freedom which it is believed is posed by the existence of untrammelled power , be it public or private .
6 The site of Castlerigg stone circle in the Lake District is an example , where the plateau on which it is sited is surrounded on all sides by mountain peaks .
7 The ratio in which it is distributed is governed by the distribution law .
8 To assume it is known is accepted for illustration , but this does not push analysis very far .
9 If the task he is performing is regarded by him as most important , then performance will tend to improve ; if on the other hand it is regarded as peripheral to some other activity , such as avoiding danger , then performance will deteriorate ’ ( p.545 ) .
10 The measure of the esteem in which he is held is shown by three forthcoming exhibitions devoted to his contribution : ‘ L'Oeil du Connaisseur : hommage à Philip Pouncey ’ at the Louvre , 19 June-7 September ; another at the Uffizi later this year ( dates unavailable ) , and the third at the British Museum in January 1994 .
11 At this the lowest level , what is done is done in a compliant way .
12 If what is said is contradicted by what is seen — that is when the words do not ‘ match ’ the facial expression — then , to the astute observer , it is the words which will be disregarded , and what is seen will a believed .
13 When giving orders , much of the impact of What is said is derived from the stage management of the Whole procedure .
14 What is known is ignored in assessments of genetic technology .
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