Example sentences of "[pron] [vb infin] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The old lady made me jump when she told me not to stare but to sit down and not be nervous .
2 I have heard from Prudential Property Services with details of your proposed purchase of the above property for £52,000 subject to Contract and I expect that I shall be receiving the draft Contract from the vendor 's solicitors in the course of the next post but perhaps you will kindly telephone me and let me know whether you wish me to proceed with the Preliminary Enquiries arising thereon and the Local search with the East Herts District Council .
3 let me know if you fancy it , Cheers , Steve .
4 Pls note third para — let me know if you want me to do anything about this .
5 Do let me know if you want us to get a taxi from King 's X — or send us keys so we do n't wake you up ? ! ( 12.23 yawn … )
6 Let me know if you find him . ’
7 Turning to his sister , he instructed , ‘ Let me know if you need me to find a dressmaker . ’
8 Well do I know that we drove you into flight .
9 ‘ Oh God , what shall I do if they arrest him ? ’
10 How do I feel when I read it — elated , stretched , sad , longing … ?
11 Do I understand that you think we should enter again next year ? ( b )
12 I reminded her of Bobbie and would I mind if she called me by that dear nickname ?
13 he 's gone to pay the extra that will do I mean if I think I 've I 've but are you ?
14 The sinking feeling I get when I fold it up again and stuff the envelope under my bed makes me realise how much I wanted it to come up with some answers .
15 Nor did I complain when he kept me awake , twisting and turning , sighing and moaning .
16 can I say that it gives me particular pleasure to introduce Steven not least , because Steven Hughes is one of our colleagues in parliament who does a fantastic job for the trade union movement .
17 ‘ Ah 'll let ye go when ye give me his address .
18 What on earth would she think if she saw her in this ridiculous get-up ?
19 Do you think that they move it around ?
20 ‘ Do you think that you love him ? ’
21 Do you think if I , do you think if I gave him a fright , s see the , time he says he 's going off to his granny 's and I say away you go , and my mam says she 's not taking him .
22 What did you think when they waxed them , especially .
23 Erm what did you think when you saw it in the exam ?
24 What did you think when he told you ?
25 Did you know that they exiled me — me !
26 ‘ Do n't you know that you caught me at an age when Taureans are at their most vulnerable ?
27 Do you know if she kept it ? ’
28 She had no idea what love was like and , if she did n't know what it was like , how could she know if she wanted it ?
29 As they walked back to the car , Sophie asked , ‘ Do you pay a regular visit here or do you wait until they call you ? ’
30 ‘ Why — thank heaven — did n't you resign as you said you would ? ’
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