Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] that [pers pn] had [been] " in BNC.

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1 Was this the point at which to say that I had been a professional actress for over thirty years and was well aware of the mechanics etc ?
2 A single trivial occurrence does not entitle you to claim that you had been constructively dismissed .
3 Yes , it was silly of me to forget that you had been to Scotland often — one of those mental slips which I am increasingly prone to .
4 She did n't want him to know that she had been looking at him .
5 Eventually all was well , pockets complete , only for her to find that she had been cutting out these pocket linings in her already prepared garment lining ! !
6 It was hard for her to believe that it had been Charley , her Charley , who had killed three boys .
7 In the same way that , in 1941 , he had been convinced that Hitler was in his debt for services rendered in the struggle against communism , Franco now believed the western powers owed it to him to recognize that he had been right all along .
8 ‘ If the method was copied , whoever did it intended us to think that it had been copied clumsily and stupidly .
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