Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Theda came to herself to find that she lay in a large four-poster bed , with the curtains drawn back , and the weak autumn sun coming in at the windows .
2 The thought gave her a pain , yet she forced herself to smile as she said in a steady voice , ‘ I hope you 'll both be very happy . ’
3 The senate , however , consisted of more members of the nobility than of the emerging burgher class , for their economic situation was not strong enough to enable them to develop as they did in the cities of northern Italy and elsewhere in Europe .
4 There was none but yourself to blame if it ended in tears .
5 I think the way we behave tells the other residents how we react when someone dies ; and so it 's almost like they 're watching us to see if we behave in a way they would want us to . ’
6 ‘ A friend of your daughter 's gave us to understand that you lived in Michigan . ’
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