Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] [adv] [conj] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In many areas it is simply impossible for them to go out and win a big share in an intensely competitive market without the Government 's explicit support and cooperation .
2 When we finally left the school the return journey home was even worse than the journey to school with pupils being cheeky when you told them to sit down and face the front .
3 And they said , well I 'm sorry you know , er take the numbers of the cars , they want me to go round and take the numbers of the cars , phone them back and we will see if we 've got someone that we can send down there !
4 He called to me , and invited me to go in and have a drink with him .
5 But if you really want to punish me , force me to sit down and watch The Gladiators .
6 Within our provision for grants for voluntary organizations , we hold an unallocated figure , because we do n't automatically erm , add inflation to grants to voluntary bodies , and in fact we wait for them to come forward and justify the increases of grants we 're giving .
7 We 'd like them to come along and see the horses working in the traditional way at the same time they can look at the Autumn colours .
8 They finished ‘ Christians awake ’ and we begged them to come in and have a glass of wine and a mince pie with us .
9 ‘ They spotted it on the equipment in the pits , so they were screaming at me to come in and get the tyres changed . ’
10 You could erm you could , you could stick it in like the bedroom and wait for someone to go in and have a shag
11 If the bags are full of rotting food , or there is a smell or filth around the place , then more action may need to be taken , but the first priority is establishing what the person concerned feels , before asking ‘ Would it be helpful for someone to come in and give a hand with tidying up ? ’
12 You see a working , well of course they do get them up nowadays , but in th you were supposed t to stay in bed for at least a fortnight after the mother was born but you a lot of these mothers used to hop out of bed when the midwife had gone , and , and I mean if they 'd got two or three children and a husband coming in and they had n't got a mother or a neighbour or somebody to come in and do the cooking , i I mean she 'd just get up and get on with it herself .
13 Esmerelda jumped up and down and told me to hurry up and make the kite fly .
14 ‘ I would hate for any of you to go away and say the first quarter is an indication and multiply that by four , ’ Reuter quotes finance director Dudley Eustace as saying .
15 So , if you do nothing else today , I 'd like you to go home and assess the risk areas on your own individual houses .
16 I see education as far more than just training you to go out and do a job , and I think the whole learning process , whatever you 're learning , matures you into being capable of taking responsibilities and learning other things , and I think arts subjects do that just as well as science subjects .
17 Because it obliges you to sit down and make a careful observation of the chosen subject , you discover so much more than by just pointing a camera .
18 So he 's waiting for you to come up and have a look at it .
19 This will allow you to cramp across and pull the bracket tenons tight .
20 Right we 'll now go for tea thank you , can I call you to order please and make a start on item number four .
21 ‘ Yes , but ought n't we to go out and calm the troops or something ? ’
22 erm Your comment on wards , I think this is a way of the officers giving us something to work on and take a decision on .
23 Though an individual pupil may be in his fourth-year class as far as the administration of the school goes , and as far as concerns his social activities or his out-of-school interests , the school must be prepared for him to go off and study the syllabus required for his graded tests alongside people who are not in his own year .
24 Blanche waited for him to sit down and take a couple of sips .
25 He would want everybody to go out and have the time of their lives . ’
26 Dionne had ordered her to go out and forget the whole thing .
27 He says I 'll get her to come over and have a chat with you .
28 If parents have managed to instil in their child a sense of his own worth as an individual , then , whatever knocks that child may encounter as an adult , he will have the inner confidence which will enable him to pull through and make a success of his life — success in this context having nothing to do with money but with achieving one 's aims as an individual , whatever they may be .
29 Pitt remembers that as a little boy attending church he 'd sit cowering in the pew , afraid the preacher would ask him to come up and give the benediction .
30 When Nathan ordered her to set up and engage the auto-helm she tried , desperately searching a mind that had gone totally blank for the sequence which would ensure that the boat remained on course .
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