Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] rather [vb infin] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd rather have that shape you can cut .
2 I 'd rather have another drink , ’ said Scarlet .
3 I 've come to terms with it , it does n't bother whether I 've got it or not , but to be honest I 'd rather have more hair than I do now .
4 I 'd rather fill this page with angry letters attacking people who are entertained/moved by fascism , racism , homophobia , whether it 's Morrissey ‘ exploring its fascination ’ or someone scooping out their own shit and trying to sell it to us as ‘ common sense ’ , than have another letter like yours , the first half ( not printed here , lucky readers ) of which is something incomprehensible about The Wedding Present — DQ
5 I 'd rather take that approach , and what I would suggest is that , wherever possible , teachers should think about involving parents in the kinds of difficulties that the child is having in school , and thereby becomes a team effort rather than parents working one direction and perhaps teachers working in another .
6 I have said consistently we do n't want to be the first in the industry , I would rather await either N A C O T , N A C O M or the U D M seeing what they , the outcome is there as we have traditionally done and then take it from there where you must agree that we have usually improved on their offer when it 's been made .
7 Both do a good job , he says , but ‘ I would rather see more judgments out there in the market . ’
8 But that means nothing to the army of unemployed and to threatened companies which would rather have any work than none , or to politicians caught up in righteous anger at ‘ unfair ’ competition .
9 Her younger brother was sent by Teresa later in the day to say she would not be returning to a house where a dangerous lunatic lived and no one could expect her to — she would rather forfeit that week 's wages than wait long enough to give notice .
10 Buyers on their part will make similar calculations ; and if at any time the price should rise considerably above 36s. they will argue that the supply will be much greater than the demand at that price : therefore even those of them who would rather pay that price than go unserved , wait ; and by waiting they help to bring the price down .
11 Throughout history you come across stacks of politicians who would rather let any number of people suffer than admit to one lousy mistake of their own — they 're in all parties , not just our current lot . ’
12 For those who would rather keep both feet firmly planted on dry land , a National Trust self-catering holiday cottage might be the answer .
13 We 'd rather lose some riders than have any dissatisfied because they chose the wrong holiday .
14 At any rate this seems a very flimsy basis for the suggestion that the praetor fideicommissarius had jurisdiction over legacies too ; and on procedural grounds one would rather resist that proposition .
15 They do n't like to be tied down to certain types of delay ; they 'd rather leave that sort of decision until the mix . ’
16 Particularly as normally he 'd rather run that mile than chat up a nurse !
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