Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] have [verb] [adv prt] a " in BNC.

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1 Erm and I may have slowed down a little today , I do n't know I should have timed it again .
2 I may now have an inkling of what has happened to me over the last few years ; I may have lined up a few suspects , even tentatively put my finger on ‘ who done it ’ ; I may have my own private detectives working alongside the regular police , and we may have made an arrest or two , but the file has not been closed .
3 I think I must have picked up a virus .
4 ‘ A week or so after I got back it was still there so I went to a doctor and said I might have picked up a parasite .
5 No I would n't , cos I might have picked up a different thing .
6 I 'll have to sort out a suitable bottle of wine to go with it . ’
7 I 'll have dried out a bit by the time I get to the cottage , and I do n't really want to go all the way back to the farm after I 've come this far . ’
8 By then I 'll have worked out a plan to get us back behind our own lines . ’
9 Pity you were n't here , I could have rushed up a ticket or two and you could have explained the finer nuances .
10 I could n't have missed him , but I could have slowed down a bit .
11 I 'd have ended up a patient if I 'd done it for much longer .
12 ‘ We do n't have too many large office blocks in the North-East so I 'd have to knock down a number of housing schemes .
13 Some people tend to take advantage of a placid nature — that is only human — so I realized that in order to prevent abuse of my personality I would have to put up a barrier to protect my inner self .
14 I would have slowed down a lot more than that .
15 The writer had used 4 oz in 80 oz of 32 index fluid and , although I would have carried out a similar treatment as that ten years ago using saline , I consider this type of case nowadays has to be treated in a different manner , with up-to-date fluids and up-to-date knowledge — there are many first class fluids on the market today .
16 The thesis which should have brought about a major revolution in the study of religion , society and culture has instead been ignored , repudiated and contradicted ; the promised revolution has totally aborted and in general nothing remains in modern applied psychoanalysis of Totem and Taboo save an emasculated , diluted and vitiated remnant .
17 And can I tell you , that if we 'd just done Covermaster , somebody could have picked up a point there .
18 One of the most important limitations on statutory safeguards is the insistence that , to qualify for most rights , you must have built up a specified period of continuous employment .
19 She might have taken on a job as a waitress for the summer , but she was damned if she was going to let people treat her like a mindless robot because of it .
20 She might have quietened down a bit by now , but you know what she 's like . ’
21 Yeah , I think you 'll have to go round a bit .
22 So you 'll have to put on a bit more flesh if you want filmstar legs .
23 And that , you 'll have to take out a mortgage to do that .
24 But perhaps you 'll have to grow up a bit more before you realise that . ’
25 Maybe that way she could have coaxed out a little information about his affair with Elise .
26 If she could have picked up a rock she would have hurled it at his rotten head .
27 you 'd have to hunt about a bit I 'm afraid .
28 She would have rustled up a little casserole or coq au vin while he laid the table beautifully .
29 Essentially , they were administrators , who would have built up a following among other administrators who supported their attitudes and often owed their careers to them .
30 When you and your fiance visit the minister of your church , you will have to fill out a form giving your personal details such as date of birth etc .
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