Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] n't [verb] [indef pn] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And also I could n't do something that might jeopardise Rob 's marriage to Heather . ’
2 However , the whole incident was witnessed by another driver who took a note of the car number and in turn , of course , reported it to the police and eventually Mrs was interviewed on the eleventh of August of this year she agreed that she was the driver at the time and she replied it 's okay , but if the little had stopped after the accident I would of sorted things out I could n't do anything after she ran off .
3 I could n't do anything but keep staring at it .
4 I could n't do anything if he was in the room .
5 When I , when it came to exam time , I used to work until midnight , have three hours sleep and get up at three in the morning to carry on revising er because I was n't brilliant and I could n't remember everything and it was hard work .
6 I had a paper to say and they said there was too much money coming in here a week , because you were working that I could n't get anything and I , it said , I wrote , it , it all come when I wrote to say could I have relief off of prescriptions cos I was on that H I V at the time
7 If I thought they were doing anything wrong to Lesley I could n't say anything because she 'd get it , I would n't get it .
8 I 'm sorry I could n't hear everything that the Maxwell people were saying , sitting behind me , you you 've lost their , their voice and you you know , I could n't hear what they were saying .
9 think what I 'd like , but I could n't prove anything and erm , so there was nothing that the ombudsman could do at that stage , at , as the stage complete
10 I could n't see nothing and I — I stumbled over him .
11 I would n't feel anything cos I 'm not really bothered !
12 I would n't do anything that took a long , long time before it showed a reward .
13 ‘ Querida , ’ he said hoarsely , caressing her tumbling hair from her face , ‘ you know me , you know I would n't do anything that was n't right .
14 Arseholes , I would n't , I would n't do anything like that , I would n't do anything that might hurt
15 I would want someone that was on my wavelength , roughly my age , preferably a supporter , and I would n't sign anything until I had at least a serious gentleman 's agreement that nothing could be issued without the artist 's agreement .
16 I would n't hurt anybody and I 'm not cheeky .
17 I would n't describe anything that was not what I had gone through and understood myself — in my experience or out of my imagination and other people 's words would n't do .
18 I would n't sell one unless you gave it to me , ’ was Ray 's reply … in the next consignment was a four-inch monstrosity with a cryptic note : ‘ This is your gift , ha ha ! ’
19 When he got up to go I tried to tell him that I understood , that I would n't say anything if he would take me home , but he backed away out .
20 I , I would n't say anything because I if my mum and dad find out I 'm dead .
21 I would n't say anything because it 's ignorant .
22 I would n't buy anything unless it had the British Standard kitemark on it to show it was safety approved , and I also went for reputable makes , taking cost into consideration , too , of course .
23 I used to take them every day and I was like that right , and then what I used to do on a Sunday I would n't take one cos I used to think right I like my Sunday dinner and I will never give up my Sunday dinner when I 'm dieting right
24 I would n't take anything that I thought might be too harmful and detrimental to my health , y'know .
25 Well I would n't mind one but just have to walk
26 I ca n't serve anything that needs thinking about when people are meeting to discuss big money deals — all fish must be filleted here , for example — but all the food must be good . ’
27 If I ca n't do something that simple then I 'm not worthy to be called your partner ’
28 I ca n't do anything that you ca n't do .
29 Now I ca n't do anything unless I drink .
30 ‘ I should then be learning my lines but I ca n't do anything before the kids get to bed .
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