Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] not [adv] [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It would n't enter his head that I might not just kill Vecchi out of hand .
2 I could not possibly do justice in this speech to all that has been written on the subject , but I hope that I have profited from the many articles which I have read since the hearing .
3 I could not possibly visualise home being home without Mother 's presence .
4 If I were just starting zandering from the beginning I would not even consider night fishing for them until I had got my act together in the daytime .
5 If Gooch is dropped then there will be plenty of debate over his replacement as captain and it may be that Gatting 's experience will gain the vote over Stewart , though I would not completely discount Moxon .
6 I can not simply order lamb chops . ’
7 I confess I can not really see worm watching catching on as a mass pursuit with worm watcher clubs and organised field visits , but I did hear of an infants ' school where the worm has joined the tadpole as a creature for study .
8 Such sponsorships provide support for events which might not otherwise take place , providing pleasure and entertainment for the public .
9 Each major opera company in this country has an outreach and education programme and the Arts Council 's touring programme supports clients who take opera to areas of the country which would not otherwise have access to it .
10 Consequently , 20 smaller cities and their surrounds , which would not normally have access to world-class exhibitions , would have a permanent , but changing , Prado exhibition .
11 The back of the palisade wall can be lined with polythene which will not only give protection against continuous wetting of the timber , but will also stop soil oozing through .
12 The section is intended to give the police power to impose conditions on ‘ coercive ’ marches which will not necessarily give rise to disorder ; a National Front march through a predominantly Asian district may well prompt many of the citizens simply to board up their properties and remain indoors .
13 You could not properly take account of my experience of separatism without acknowledging my feelings of being swept away by this sort of fervour .
14 For example , we would often go on expeditions to Hay-on-Wye looking for French , nineteenth-century pattern books but if you found any yourself you could not possibly claim originality .
15 In losing Law the party had lost a conciliator ; in electing Austen it had gained an inflexible leader who would not always put party first .
16 If you say you are going to do something and you do n't , you will not only lose credibility , impact and effectiveness but also give your debtor further confidence to continue not paying .
17 You will not only lose weight and have greater vitality , you will also find that you are able to think more dearly and are less likely to suffer from stress .
18 We do not want situations such as that at Commodore Shipping , where English officers and crews have been replaced by Norwegians and Poles who can not even speak English , thus increasing the risk of severe ferry accidents .
19 Frustration is important in mathematics , for you can not really experience release , that beautiful sense of things falling into place , if you have not previously been confused , feeling that things were out of place .
20 This is clearly er erm a situation where erm we must not knowingly take business which we have not enjoyed before at a price below
21 Increasingly , then , when we examine social change in rural England we must not only take account of changes within agriculture but of changes on the interface between the ‘ truly rural ’ ( i.e-agricultural ) inhabitants and the ‘ adventitious ’ population of ex-urbanite newcomers who have moved into the countryside in such large numbers since the war .
22 Similarly , one could not satisfactorily analyse modalism in rock music without also dealing with the decline of modal folk song , in its traditional social contexts ; the urban folk revival ; the use of modal techniques by elite composers , and the ‘ discovery ’ of modal medieval and renaissance music ; the commodification of major-minor tonality by Tin Pan Alley and Hollywood , against which modalism could be seen as ‘ exotic ’ or ‘ primitive ’ ; the internationalization of capital bringing , through American cultural imperialism , the influence of modal Afro-American musics which , at the same time , could be seen as offering a potential for critique vis-à-vis the dominant , major-minor musical language ; and so on .
23 ‘ With Celon , we can not possibly have football conversations .
24 We can not therefore write acceleration as but we must write it as and this is
25 We can not really discuss problem solving without an example , so I am going to discuss a rather large problem , namely Rubik 's cube .
26 One can not always control moisture content but one can generally arrange for ventilation and this is usually a sufficient preventative .
27 Hells bells ! they could not even spell teem !
28 At Altnagelvin Hospital , Londonderry , nursing staff said they could not ethically give information , but details eventually were given after correspondence with the Western Board ;
29 A person with HIV might fall ill with an infection or condition not on the CDC list , and they might be very ill indeed , but they would not necessarily have AIDS .
30 Those candidates exercise their freedoms and I defend those freedoms — If the freedoms which Conservative Members say they want to uphold were so widespread , they would not only define freedom in terms of the power to own shares in a company but would seek to defend it in terms of being able to get a job in that company , in a country with getting on for 2.5 million unemployed .
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