Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] run [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And I might run up to New York for the day . ’
2 They had been a way of ‘ coasting ’ slightly , when I 'd run out of steam .
3 I wanted a light for my fag — I 'd run out of matches — so I opened the door of the box and just asked Charlie for a light .
4 When I thought I 'd run out of things to say I asked the front two rows to move back and the whole place started buzzing .
5 I remember sitting in a hotel in Lymm thinking that I could n't really spare the time for the Managing Quality course but I 'd run out of excuses !
6 I used to run away from home — could n't tell anyone what was happening and never did . ’
7 Yes and he 's very , very difficult to feed himself , to get the food in because , you know , he liked to come in a half past ten and bully me to cook things for him that 's why sometimes I used to run up to bed and pretend I was asleep .
8 At present usage I would run out of batteries before the half-way point and Mick and Paddy would run out just after .
9 I shall run away to London .
10 You 'll run out of money . ’
11 ‘ Quite a smooth landing , ’ the instructor said approvingly He hesitated , then warned , ‘ Next time be careful not to land too fast or you 'll run out of runway . ’
12 Did she imagine she could run away from Alice , just like that ?
13 Mrs Stych wrung her hands behind the reporter 's back , and wished passionately she could run home to Mother on the pig farm ; she longed suddenly for the smell of hens and milk , for a place where nobody had to keep up appearances or be other than what they were .
14 Tears again , she felt like the child she had been when her father gave wild stinging slaps to her legs by way of welcome after she 'd run away from home .
15 Mary Deare was still there after the curtain had risen on Act Four , and frantic because she 'd run out of matches .
16 Somehow , asking the Thing for help was like admitting that you 'd run out of ideas .
17 The price you pay for being able to chew when you are young is that you will run out of teeth when you are old .
18 Can you wait for me in the foyer of the nurses ’ home at ten past and we 'll run over to Faye and Bill 's in my car ? ’
19 Well , ’ I said , ‘ we could run away to sea and be sailors .
20 We thought we 'd run over to Low Riding and make sure Mike was all right .
21 Because we 'd run out of cornflour and it was all not thick enough .
22 And I found we 'd run out of milk for Anthony .
23 I am afraid of many things ; that we will run out of petrol , that we will get lost amidst the velvety nowhere , that my slug of an engine will give way at last and abandon us to our own feebleness .
24 Now we will run out of trays so if the people who have n't got a tray would like to go on .
25 No doubt we will run out of ideas one day . ’
26 The pair , who made the return journey last weekend in 27 hours travelling across France by freight train , say their biggest fear was that they might run out of petrol .
27 Of course , the states with good measurements tend to be the ones that had suddenly realised they might run out of capacity , and taken action to avoid that .
28 It had been hours since they 'd run away from Grandson Richard , as Gurder kept on putting it .
29 Well cos they 'd run out of change .
30 " I hear there 's a rumour going around Manhattan that they had to close down again the day after you shopped there because they 'd run out of Paris fashions ; is that true ? "
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