Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] that [pron] [vb base] n't " in BNC.

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1 That 's what I said to that Ann , be able to get something on that somebody says that they have n't said it and be able to play it back to them .
2 Wendy ; Actually we 're pretty lucky to have him , not only because he 's a whole hunk of a man but also because we 're all full time students which means that we do n't have to pay this new Council tax .
3 And th on the cherish you and whatever else and th erm , I mean we 've already got a situation where we 've got erm through Peter and David , the other two , I mean we 've got erm erm two or three breweries who are quite willing to erm to give us quite a substantial amount of money not as loans , as write-offs against barrelage erm which means that we do n't have any repayments to make etcetera .
4 They do not monitor in the area — which suggests that they do n't think it is a major exposure route .
5 She says that they have n't even had long enough to see if burning animal clinical waste has caused any problems .
6 She says that they have n't got a clue what 's going on .
7 She says that they do n't yuet know what caused the fire .
8 Now he 's been taken ill with this so , she hopes that he do n't and get behind you know but it 's the head in it ?
9 He thinks that we do n't talk to him .
10 He thinks that you do n't care .
11 He says that they do n't want a confrontation , but it could happen .
12 Bit by bit , he shows that you do n't know the value of the forces nor the frequency with which they appeared .
13 J is angry , but he realises that you have n't got to get totally in-your-face to get a serious message across .
14 When you run , he advises that you do n't keep your chin up .
15 Well it 's very , they are talking about er other issues up to they are talking about the workforce and of the erm the the report from the and er it seems that they do n't really want much to programme forward which I have put for next year very structural maintenance of the and I what the services are actually doing , they have lost council probably say that they are out of control .
16 That 's what It seems that you do n't It seems to affect the immediate folk and not many other folks nowadays .
17 It helps that you do n't have to push the needle in .
18 It it means that they have n't been doing their duty in the winter then .
19 It means that you do n't get the good views of the Cove until you 've reached Malham Beck , but I think that it 's better doing the walk this way round than going at it clockwise and having to clamber down the scar .
20 So it means that you do n't have to be a brilliant singer .
21 Because if you start messing your duvet up at night times it means that you do n't want to sleep underneath it cos it goes all scrunchy and horrible , and all the duvet bit comes out of the cover .
22 It means that I do n't play round here like a Wyoming steer in a glass shop … unless I have to …
23 Nozick anyway could not hold that it does , because his position relies on the independent proof it provides that you do n't know you are not a brain in a vat .
24 If anyone demonstrates that they do n't intend to behave likewise , then your attitude can change .
25 Everyone knows that you do n't have to play tennis to suffer from tennis elbow , likewise carpal tunnel is not the cause by vibrating hand tools .
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