Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] just [been] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 He looked like an airline passenger who has just been told that all four engines on his 747 have just failed .
2 It has just been argued that detailed financial and managerial controls need to be based on specific product and/or SBU categories .
3 It has just been argued that a thorough analysis of the market attractiveness and competitive strengths of an SBU ( possibly based upon a Porter analysis ) , should provide more insight into the future covariability of the SBU and total market returns .
4 It has just been agreed that they will talk about the young scientist 's work , the tape-recorder is switched on and he says :
5 It 's just been announced that three Oxford University students have been suspended for a year after a friend died at a drink and drugs party .
6 It 's just been announced that three hundred and thirty workers are to lose their jobs at an oil and gas extraction equipment factory .
7 It follows from what has just been said that the identity of the respondent is not of much importance in defining the scope of judicial review .
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