Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [adv prt] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Do n't use soap , which dries up skin on the face .
2 She picks up speed in the late evening , after most of the passengers have eaten .
3 If the question be ( as , in the actual state of the law , I think it is ) , whether consideration is , or is not , given in a case of this kind , by the debtor who pays down part of the debt presently due from him , for a promise by the creditor to relinquish , after certain further payments on account , the residue of the debt , I can not say that I think consideration is given , in the sense which I have always understood that word as used in our law .
4 ‘ A fossil hunter is one who seeks out evidence of the past from the natural history of the rocks .
5 It would , of course , be fiercely resisted because it gives back power to the people .
6 It carries on south-west by the water to cross by a bridge over toward Minniwick Moss .
7 Operating like a huge vacuum cleaner , it sucks up gravel into the dredge where it is sieved to retrieve the fine , black , gold-bearing sand .
8 The extension of the LFA has left this gross anomaly unaffected since it brings in land at the lower elevations outside the original LFA boundary .
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