Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [adv prt] [conj] we [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 She points out that we know little of the differential impact of changing material circumstances on different kinds of tending , and is surely right when she argues that it would be ‘ useful and interesting to discover how long term unemployment alters conjugal roles as far as caring is concerned ’ .
2 When it turns out that we do need to ‘ open the box ’ , we shall be readier to ask whether the workings are to be explained , understood , or both .
3 It turns out that we have to appeal in any case to something like a rational collective agency , directed towards avoiding recognized and agreed evils , and that already provides an adequate explanation — a fairly traditional one — of the incest prohibition .
4 He points out that we need to distinguish between the contribution that research can make to policy and that which it can make to social work practice .
5 The frightening film of the American Airlines DC-10 from which an engine fell clear during take-off from Chicago must have been shown on more television screens than any other comparable occurrence , and so it goes on until we reach the most horrifying event involving the South Korean Boeing 747 which was deliberately shot down north of Japan by Soviet Russian fighters with the loss of 269 lives .
6 ‘ He … he waits about when we have our dinner break .
7 We wait , he catches up and we go on again .
8 Think you 're well back now and it shits on when we go to bed and he 's !
9 I know , but if it works out that we have n't got the flat then what the fuck are we gon na do ?
10 And , invariably , it comes out when we hate someone enough .
11 There 'll be blue murder if he comes back and we 've been in here . ’
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