Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now she 's selling , but nobody wants to carry on with the music.Debbie Kelly reports .
2 As er as you can imagine , it 's a very difficult task , nobody wants to go up in the region , it has malaria , it 's dangerous , it 's it Transportation is difficult .
3 ‘ Contacts at professional and academic level , seminars , familiarisation with techniques , will build up a rapport which tends to pay off in the long run , ’ he said .
4 Nobody who has ever taken the trouble to visit General Gouraud 's observation post on a cold , dank winter 's day , could ever escape the hell-hole ambiance of such a deathly place which seems to reach out over the decades of time to shame and sicken the human race .
5 In Example 105 Schoenberg creates a beautifully delicate harmony , which seems to float along on a distant astral plane .
6 In the following example from the organ pedal melody of the Entrée in Messiaen 's Messe de la Pentecôte , only four pitches are used , yet the composer reshapes the rhythms and note-orders so skilfully that there is no feeling of repetitiousness or monotony : In Example 17 , from the slow movement of Bartók 's Fourth String Quartet , we have a wonderfully sweeping melody which seems to grow out of the first bar .
7 The view that has found favour amongst those involved with Earth Mysteries , and one which seems to spring out of the page when these legends are brought together , is that most folklore associated with ancient sites can best be interpreted in terms of the survival of the old pagan religion and , one of its wellsprings , the existence of some form of energy which the ancient people were sensitive to and which they used for healing and in their rituals .
8 A one million pound appeal has been launched by Oxfam which hopes to cash in on the fact that 1992 is a Leap Year .
9 A one million pound appeal has been launched by Oxfam which hopes to cash in on the fact that 1992 is a Leap Year .
10 In Taiwan , though , which likes to keep up with the West , there is a growing feeling that smoking should not be encouraged .
11 International discussion of service of process is influenced — and often confused — by the differing assumptions of the participants , each of whom tends to project on to the international plane the familiar features of his own national system .
12 When we finally spill outside , Rachel says she wants to go down to the beach again .
13 Ring her up , see if she wants to come down for a drink .
14 I know she wants to get out of the house , I know
15 Erm , I wondered if I should ask her if she 's going to the chinese tomorrow if she wants to drop in on the way home .
16 exactly , but who has to pay in to the contingency fund if it 's agreed by the residence ?
17 Or , for that matter , what good is it to the teacher who has to keep up with the ins and outs of teaching reading and who needs to diagnose the difficulties of Jason , Amil and Della and then advise a colleague on how to help them ?
18 I 'm the one who makes sure food gets in one end and I 'm the one who has to clear up at the other .
19 Well who wants to go out with a doddery old bugger like me anyway !
20 veteran cars , who wants to , who wants to drive around in an old Ford Poplar of of twenty , twenty five , thirty years ago ?
21 Anyone who wants to come along to the training on Wednesday nights at Keanie Park are more than welcome . ’
22 ‘ We 've only got her for five years , then she has to go back to the Foundling Hospital . ’
23 What , the two er eldest have to wash up and she has to sweep up round the table .
24 Cascade is not so demure , proffering itself to anyone who cares to look up from the road — an many do .
25 Mariana herself could also be seen as asleep because she refuses to wake up to the probability that her lover will not return .
26 The Britons are trying to keep ahead of Norwegian lawyer Erling Kagge , who hopes to make up for a late start in bad weather .
27 Anyone who wishes to hone up on the likes of Cross Keys or Maesteg , not to mention aristocrats like Llanelli , will find a great deal to intrigue and amuse .
28 ’ I 'm a loner who likes to curl up on a sofa with a good book , ’ she says .
29 ( A teenager who forgets to call in at the appointed time may cause real distress ) .
30 It relates to that other world , the great shabby confusion outside these walls to which I return each evening , to Timmy and Cheryl , to my mother-in-law who comes to help out at the weekends , to everything unresolved and unsatisfactory .
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