Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [subord] [pron] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Well I says to him , I says if you were that interested I says while I 'm watching I says why do n't you come and see , I says , give us a shake
2 But if I am not misled by this convention , it will in my own case be sufficient grounds for choice that it is the impulse to abstain which prevails when I am fully aware of the danger .
3 That ‘ something ’ could be the letter in the back of the drawer that nobody finds until it is too late .
4 Yeah , when I was , er she says when I was as big as Rebecca or when I was a big Joanna , it 's always the name .
5 She 's going she 's looking at you and you go , come here , you take a step further and she gives you a dirty look and then she waits until you 're that close and then she jumps !
6 He said : ‘ She appears when I am alone clearing up the bar .
7 One wonders if we are also to have aluminum inflicted upon us surreptitiously .
8 If , 73 years after its foundation , we have to start from basics , one wonders if we are ever going to get there .
9 In the light of this , one wonders if there are even redder faces at Barons Court .
10 One asks whether we are now seeing tools being fashioned which by some future , perhaps less scrupulous , Government may be used to weaken the independent administration of justice and so undermine the rule of law .
11 I love the way he looks when he 's just about to … ’
12 He looks like he 's never seen an iron . ’
13 ‘ No , I 'd no idea he comes to Antibes or in what style he lives when he 's here . ’
14 A lecturer normally owns the copyright in any book or article he writes because he is primarily employed as a teacher and not as a writer of books and articles , even though his employer may encourage this .
15 ‘ So it looks like it 's all solved already .
16 It is the doing of one or more acts which individually or collectively amount to such adverse interference with or usurpation of the owner 's rights which constitute appropriation under section 3(1) and I do not think it matters where there is more than one such act in which order the successive acts take place , or whether there is any interval of time between them .
17 One thing led to another and he says if we 're so inclined , and we do n't mind a bit of inconvenience , he 'll take us all on the barge to Liverpool — and nothing to pay !
18 He says he do n't know yet with it being like his first complete week but he says if there 's overtime he says what shall I do ?
19 ‘ There 's no point doing what he says if he 's still mad . ’
20 It 's like child abuse in the family — people refuse to believe it happens because it 's too difficult to deal with .
21 Let me tell you more , dear boy , ’ said Toby in the sonorous manner he adopts when he is either about to state an immortal truth , or browbeat you , or both .
22 He sounds like he 's still going through a learning process , coming to terms with the fear of losing friends , and at the same time is worried that he 's being misunderstood himself .
23 He asks if I 'm all right and I say yes .
24 A third witness , you understand , adds no further dimension but only spreads it thinner , and a fourth thinner still , and the more witnesses there are the thinner it gets and the more reasonable it becomes until it is as thin as reality , the name we give to the common experience …
25 ‘ It helps to be a woman and I can exploit that when it suits because there are so few women in Parliament and it concerns a lot of people .
26 I just wanted to actually sort of mention it to so that he knows cos he 's obviously invited to come if he wants
27 Wh whe where we go in Yorkshire that Stu Stuart usually gets them out of the Cameron the the pub one , where we go and stay and or they 're dealing with you know what he 's like with his deal , he knows if it 's there it 's usually good fun so , you know .
28 Now what happens when he 's just starting off from home ?
29 NEWSPAPER ARTICLES about the consequences of a shortage of oil ( or , as now , what happens when there is too much of the stuff ) appear almost daily but we hear too little about another vital industrial resource .
30 That 's what happens when I 'm there .
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