Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [be] [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 This seems to me to illustrate what I would call the ‘ Breakthrough Phenomenon ’ : the sudden discovery that something which has been assumed to be out of the question is not out of the question at all .
2 These strains are prone to wasting away , which has been assumed to be due to constitutional weakness .
3 This will take the form of Preliminary Training ; a core part in the new Module 20 which has been expanded to last one and a half days followed by a written assessment with a pass mark of 75% ; and Specialist Training — both on and off the job which has been tailored to be appropriate to the area that the prospective RPS will be working in .
4 And ma'am , just on a brief note of clarification , the report which has been referred to was a report prepared by the County Planning Officer , endorsed and I think was prepared in his name and was presented t to a working party of Greater York authorities .
5 So the results of this trial will be of enormous benefit to mothers as in future they will be offered a treatment which has been shown to be effective .
6 Serum triglyceride levels are generally unaltered in both short- and long-term studies ( Dodson et al , 1985 ) , providing unrefined carbohydrate is used , as opposed to refined carbohydrate which has been shown to be hypertriglyceridaemic in some studies ( Reaven , 1980 ) .
7 The objective is simple — to ensure that others learn from the experience of the identified ‘ best ’ and raise their own level of performance to that which has been shown to be attainable .
8 The movement to re-examine curriculum and methodology , which has been shown to be characteristic of teachers and educationists since the end of the Second World War , may take a variety of different forms , and become associated with a number of different fashions and bandwagons , but it is unlikely to come to a halt .
9 RAP30 has been reported to contain a sequence homologous to region 1b and 2 of σ factors of bacteria , which has been shown to be a binding site for the core component of E.coli RNA polymerase and possibly for mammalian RNA polymerase II ( 19,40 ) .
10 There is a famous sequence of " Going over the top " in the First World War which has been shown to be a staged sequence .
11 One of the two patients was of British origin without any known Sephardic or central European ancestry , which has been reported to be associated with the mutation at codon 200 .
12 There is a further indication that this is the right solution ; one of the few archaeological finds to have come from the battlefield at Vézeronce is a fine helmet , which has been thought to be of Ostrogothic workmanship .
13 Technology is ‘ old-style ’ Philips 16 bit , the system that preceded the current and mor fashionable Bitstream process , but which has been found to be easier to ‘ tweak ’ for a desired effect .
14 It is the effort and pressure which the bowel-wall muscle has to exert in propelling onward the firm faeces produced by a Western diet ( rather than the soft and voluminous matter produced by fibre-rich diets ) which has been found to be the cause of this illness .
15 Woolworth 's are appealing to shoppers to return a make of children 's sandal which has been found to be faulty .
16 I find his thesis correct in general , but should like to add that the corruption which amounts to violence is likely to be suppressed in someone who has been trained to be a good little girl and can , as one of his own case histories demonstrates , express itself in other , less overt , terms .
17 The food service design consultant , however , is a professional man who has been trained to be a designer after having gained a varied experience in the food service industry .
18 Mr. Roth contended that it is inconceivable that a party who has been held to be merely negligent should be required to contribute to the damages payable by a party who has been found guilty of fraud .
19 ‘ Apparently it is virtually unknown for a Person who has been murdered to be found with closed eyes . ’
20 Those that have seemed to indicate that ESP might be at work have generally later been discredited : either the subject of the experiment has been proven to be a charlatan or the experimental procedure itself has been shown to be flawed .
21 Japan remains tied to the Western camp partly because the relationship has become integral to her economy and politics over forty years ' association , and partly because it appears to offer the best defence against Soviet aggression and encroachment — a long-standing fear — in Northeast Asia , and the best hope of Japan 's integrity overall in a world where she has been proved to be economically and militarily vulnerable .
22 It 's just what she 's been used to in n it ?
23 For one of Karl Barth 's disposition it could never be said that because something has been perceived to be natural by humankind , therefore it is the will of God .
24 Although there has been a growing amount of evidence that rewarding good behaviour can be far more effective in maintaining pupil discipline than punishing bad behaviour , and despite official encouragement for rewarding , there has been found to be ‘ a continuing emphasis ’ on punishments .
25 It followed that no individual should boast of his role ‘ but be thankful that he has been permitted to be useful ’ .
26 The standard method of recovery must be taught because it has been proven to be effective during testing .
27 It was , however , the advice of the law officers of the day , and it has been assumed to be correct ( inter alia by Parliament in the Royal Titles Act 1953 ) , that upon failure of male heirs , primogeniture should apply as well to females .
28 A trade union or union official calling its members out on strike is therefore protected but it has been said to be arguable that an individual striker has no protection against a claim that he uses unlawful means when he withdraws his labour because this situation does not appear to fall within section 13(1) .
29 It has been said to be a fundamental contradiction in the Weberian model of bureaucracy .
30 The organisation of material once it has been attended to was extensively studied by Gestalt psychologists .
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