Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 one of the lads at work come up says there 's a disco on March twenty eight and before I said I 'm already booked , I said yeah , he says er how much do you charge , I told him and I says well if you let me have confirmation as soon as you can and a deposit of ten or fifteen pounds as soon as you can
2 I says well if you do n't smoke them I says me and Maggie 'll get them for you
3 nobody looks back and I rush
4 Then somebody calls out and they find Andy , round the bend in the river , down where the water reappears from a crust of ice and snow and swirls , lowered and reduced , round the rocks and wedged tree-trunks before the lip of the falls , which sound muted and distant today , even this close .
5 The second man comes , he says the same thing and his brother 's waiting at the gate and she goes only if you fuck me !
6 Then I imagine she turns round and I lean over and kiss her on the mouth .
7 She turns round and you say something in then goes you know with absolutely no whatsoever and she turns round and goes like that like Jay does .
8 She points out that we know little of the differential impact of changing material circumstances on different kinds of tending , and is surely right when she argues that it would be ‘ useful and interesting to discover how long term unemployment alters conjugal roles as far as caring is concerned ’ .
9 I hope she has n't cos I 've her bag here !
10 And as the water goes she sees a nail in the water and she looks up and she see Jesus going like that .
11 She says even if they look angelic , they could still be thieves .
12 She says today because I 've got the little boy with me I 've got to come by car unfortunately , but it 's far quicker on a bicycle and I do do it yes !
13 And er she says like when I think of me keeping her child overnight and all before it 's in hospital and running down to hospital three or four times when he was in the hospital , and taking him sweets and all , and she says she 's treating me like shit .
14 Though she eats well though you know , oh does she , eats all her meat
15 She wakes up as I start moving around and peers at the screen .
16 She complains cheerfully as we enter saying , ‘ Jaz I 've never had so many people kissin' me in all me life , strangers and all , you 'd tink I was in Italy or England or America , God forbid ! ’
17 Sure , she suffers both if you like , she suffers from oppression of being
18 One I specially like was a clockwork bathing lady who jumps about when you turn the key in her back .
19 So anyway off we goes course when we come back for half an hour at ten o'clock well out of the other machine were n't it ?
20 ‘ Just in case something crops up and I need to let you know . ’
21 Just in case something comes up and I 've got to go in or .
22 Something comes up and you say ‘ What would my daughter think ? ’
23 and then somebody else has it , so it 's sort of once a month or something it turns up and they have sort of an extensive thing on it , I think that 's the way it works .
24 When these representations are studied in detail it turns out that they differ from each other in a number of important ways ( Maunsell and Newsome 1987 ) .
25 When it turns out that we do need to ‘ open the box ’ , we shall be readier to ask whether the workings are to be explained , understood , or both .
26 It turns out that we have to appeal in any case to something like a rational collective agency , directed towards avoiding recognized and agreed evils , and that already provides an adequate explanation — a fairly traditional one — of the incest prohibition .
27 He points out that we need to distinguish between the contribution that research can make to policy and that which it can make to social work practice .
28 The frightening film of the American Airlines DC-10 from which an engine fell clear during take-off from Chicago must have been shown on more television screens than any other comparable occurrence , and so it goes on until we reach the most horrifying event involving the South Korean Boeing 747 which was deliberately shot down north of Japan by Soviet Russian fighters with the loss of 269 lives .
29 It 's only if it goes in and you 've got no angle
30 If you find it difficult to keep a rally going within the confines of the court , chase the ball wherever it goes so that you become accustomed to the habit of pursuing the ball .
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