Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [pron] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He clearly favours a state which involves itself essentially through monetary transaction rather than direct intervention in other more qualitative spheres of life .
2 All the same , as against the scholars of the Enlightenment , my own general view is that it is precisely the non-rationality of our behaviour which marks us out as human beings .
3 None the less , the striking point here is that they have this central feature in common : not just that they both see the life of reason as important , but also that there is a distinctiveness about the quality , character and significance of reason when it is taken up seriously , which marks it out from conventional human experience .
4 What has happened in the current year is we 've started from no involvement with this particular group of clients , and building up where by the end of the year , our best estimate we 're approaching six hundred clients so then we have a commitment of providing either residential care or some care package which keeps them out of residential care .
5 ‘ Yet we all without exception share a subtler and ambivalent genetic flaw , which expresses itself not in branching bones but in our very behaviour .
6 But yet again instinct , or something even more mysterious , has sent up ( or down ) that warning pulse which jerks me back into wary consciousness .
7 Although the range of handicap , both mental and physical , is considerable , the Down 's population has a common physical appearance which sets them apart from other people .
8 The density of the energy varies in inverse proportions to the distance , which sets it apart from electro-magnetic or gravitational laws , but for which a theory of potentials is applicable ,
9 Her medium is gouache and watercolour which lends itself well to graphic reproduction .
10 Crataegus , or hawthorn , makes a dense hedge which lends itself well to severe formal trimming
11 The third is the supposedly ’ British model ’ , which leaves it up to individual companies to negotiate their own arrangements .
12 He seems to invite us to think of the circle as something which embodies , or is a continuing expression of , the motions which generate it ; and this involves our thinking of those motions in a way which makes them less like efficient causes than like formal causes , at least as Aristotle intended them .
13 Again , as we launch into the second movement andante ( lots of energy , a real spirit of dance in the ostinato is a mite tasteful , discreet rather than craggily elemental ; so , to a point , is the brawny bass line which spurs us on to stratospheric violins and shining trumpets , though true to form Pešek is wonderfully atmospheric , nurturing and distilling the moments of quiet contemplation just prior to the coda .
14 She holds it up in different lights and tries to con its meaning .
15 Ducklings at a similarly early stage in their lives also follow their mother as she leads them away on food-finding outings .
16 I did n't like being called a rowdie , but then I did n't exactly have the time or resources to sue for defamation , if that 's the legal terminology for someone who slags you off in public .
17 But she does it not by English wit ( though there is wit here too ) but by Pakistani poetry .
18 One puts it down to American intervention : in particular the role of ITT , the supplying of arms to the Chilean armed forces and the cutting-off of economic aid to Chile .
19 Listen to him/her say a text or story slowly , then listen as he/she speeds it up in successive repetitions .
20 And he signs himself off from systematic criticism .
21 He shows us around with evident pride .
22 So , if we actually have everything highlighted again and we 'll actually not follow the list as in the book we 'll , if you type in alt C all your text moves to the centre go alt R everything moves to the right and alt L again it takes you back to left justified .
23 In the wild , it confines itself mainly to unaimed throwing and the brandishing of sticks .
24 Sometimes it ignores lesbianism ; sometimes it brackets it together with male homosexuality .
25 But he is also an American and before he guns you down in cold blood , in the manner you so justly deserve I might add , I 'm sure he will see his way clear to giving you a dying request . ’
26 Their flimsy ruse blown , British and continental federalists try the unconvincing tactic of denying that the French and Germans mean ‘ federal ’ when they use the word , saying it means something else in other languages .
27 More importantly , it puts them there for indeterminate periods ( until they are ‘ cured ’ ) which can , and does , mean longer than would be warranted by retributive justice ( determined by the gravity of their offence ) .
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