Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [verb] [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 As er as you can imagine , it 's a very difficult task , nobody wants to go up in the region , it has malaria , it 's dangerous , it 's it Transportation is difficult .
2 The two-layered cameo of Augustus which has ended up in the British Museum bears tangible evidence of regard , even of awe , in the delicate circlet of gems , including a miniature cameo , affixed to it while in the hands of a medieval owner ( fig. 26 ) .
3 An encouraging aspect of the Rossini celebration is the wider view of his art which has opened up in the past quarter of a century .
4 Kelman 's work forms part of a flowering of talent which has come about in the urban Scotland of the last few years .
5 This is not to undervalue the change in judicial thinking which has come about in the last 30 years .
6 Though I suppose one has to make a passing one has to make a passing er reference to the information which has come out in the other house erm and be publicised this weekend in the press but er er at one million almost one million a slug , M E Ps do n't come cheap , er I suppose one however would want to make allowances for the fact that they have three parliamentary buildings , that they have to go on trips and that er they have to pay er er I suppose German rates for their bureaucracy so there clearly are exceptional factors and indeed I would n't want to make too much of that .
7 ‘ Contacts at professional and academic level , seminars , familiarisation with techniques , will build up a rapport which tends to pay off in the long run , ’ he said .
8 She sits curled up in the corner of the sofa with her feet tucked under her and her half-written letter to her cousin waiting in her lap .
9 One gets caught up in the old social whirl .
10 More recently he has turned up in The Fisher King and At Play in the Fields of the Lord , and he has a small role in Coppola 's forthcoming Dracula .
11 Perhaps no player has ever been quite as competitive as Botham , and if his combativeness has led him into trouble off the field it has generally worked in his favour on it — except when he has refused to part with the ball despite not bowling well , or when he has holed out in the deep when a more circumspect approach was required .
12 One business source said : ‘ He has a low base salary and he has to stand out in the sun a great deal longer before he gets a bonus at the oasis .
13 Wanchai used to be the hostess-bar district , but it has moved up in the world and is now home to one of the colony 's classiest new hotels , The Grand Hyatt ( ) .
14 No one has ever given a satisfactory explanation of why Mr Ford said what he said — and it has gone down in the history books as just another Ford pratfall .
15 It has shot up in the recent hot sun , while the grass at the city 's other cemeteries has been burned off .
16 If this state of affairs continues the state will be denied an important source of legitimation for its own authority — namely the promise ( which it has held out in the past ) of a steady increase in the level of material well-being enjoyed by the population as a whole ( Poggi , 1978 ; Winkler , 1975 ; Poulantzas , 1978 ; Habermas , 1971 , 1976 ) .
17 It becomes the subject of countless official reports , inquiries and learned articles , and it starts to crop up in the soaps .
18 In his home town , Mr Edwards is a noted singer and says that he wants to go down in the programme as performing a selection of songs from Carousel and also Holy City .
19 He describes growing up in the village of the Kxinawa Indians by the Parauaca River , listening to tales of the massacres which marked the occupation of Acre a century ago at the height of the rubber boom .
20 As Sabra , a woman in her forties , told me ‘ If I go out I usually do have my Dupatta round me , but at work I ca n't wear it in case it gets caught up in the machines , so I just wear a scarf on my head when I leave the house — something is needed to save one 's Izzat ’ .
21 Unlike those of the Philistines his worst fears have been realized , and the cry he hears go up in the town is not for the ark 's arrival , but for its capture .
22 Into this stalks Zoltan Szanto ( Niels Arestrup ) , as a Hungarian conductor who believes the power of music should ease all the squabbles until he gets caught up in the soap opera himself , beginning an affair with the opera 's star Karin Anderson ( Glenn Close ) .
23 I mean , people like me are the sort he expects to end up in the nick , not blokes he 'd invite to one of his do 's .
24 ‘ If it means stumbling about in the dark I sympathize . ’
25 It means getting up in the early hours to be ready to board a coach at around 6.30am that will transport them to the South Coast , then bring them back again , arriving home at around midnight .
26 Len 's mop of unruly fair hair always made him stand out in a crowded goalmouth but , even over 30 years later , he continues to stand out in the memories of Palace fans who saw him play for our club .
27 If it does end up in the museum however , Blakeslee said that the co-operation of advanced design , advanced engineering and production engineering departments on the Activa II will pave the way for more efficient Japanese-style simultaneous engineering to fight off the Orientals , whenever Monsieur Calvet allows them to arrive .
28 Anyway back to main point , so up to retirement quite straightforward , no problem at all and this is why he could have gone on for donkey years without a return of income , his salary goes up of course , it 's picked up in the tax tables , his personal allowances do n't change so they could swan along there for so many years without even looking at his affairs , but then see what happens in the very next tax year , when he has n't had a return and may not get a return for a couple of years .
29 If one thinks dialectically , so Hegel believed , it was possible , for the it was possible , he had done it , it 's set out in the Encyclopedia , his Encyclopedia , to see the whole system of reality as one articulated , logical system in which everything has its orderly and appointed place .
30 Probably cos he 's puffed up in the snow box and comes to see to him .
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