Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [verb] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the federally owned land in the area is run by BLM , which has apportioned it for extensive commercial mining and ranching as well as for recreational use .
2 And as Rex and Khai Eng , still thriving in an area which has seen plenty of other vegetarian establishments come and go , get ready to enter their second decade , perhaps we 'll leave the last word to Rex :
3 The heart of the problem has been governments ' concern with social justice and an egalitarian distribution of income which has led them into passing legislation which has increased the costs of doing business .
4 Even if the full Moon in Libra and at the mid- heaven point of your solar chart on the 10th brings about a complete break from the past , both professionally and personally , it will remove the dead wood which has prevented you from living life to its very fullest .
5 Despite bad publicity surrounding child abuse allegations which has dogged him on previous stops in Thailand , Singapore and Taiwan , Jackson 's Japanese fans made clear that , for them , their idol could do no wrong .
6 This argument was later extended with respect to the experience of living in the modern metropolis , which Simmel suggests provides for a massive intensification of stimulation and experience , but which threatens to overwhelm us as objective culture ( 1950 : 409–24 ) .
7 Most sociologists would wish to maintain that , while their social science does not meet the rigorous criteria of a natural science , in terms of the procedures used for verification of theoretical hypotheses there is some disciplined thinking and testing of ideas going on in sociology which does distinguish it from religious or mystical thinking .
8 At a given signal the egg is passed by sleight-of-hand to one of the members of the triad , who endeavours to move it by bodily force across the white lines of winter …
9 She 's got one like young Walter Machin , and that 's what the headmaster said he was .
10 She 's got lots of curly brown hair with a little heart-shaped face in the middle , and her smile was so big that it nearly disappeared into the curls at each side .
11 Besides , she 's had lots of good ideas .
12 One may and one does read plenty of freakish recipes in cookery books .
13 Even pride , the most self-centred of passions implies that one does see oneself from other viewpoints and care whether one is admired or despised , even to the point perhaps of valuing respect by others above self-preservation .
14 Nutrition is the process by which the body acquires all the foodstuffs it needs to keep it in good working order and converts them into energy , new body tissue and those substances necessary to keep all the body processes ( metabolism ) going .
15 Not only has he exerted himself tirelessly on teh College 's behalf but he has flung himself with similar enthusiasm into fundraising for the Prince 's Trust and for the Leigh City Technology School in Kent .
16 He has deported himself with great dignity .
17 Brook has not simply plonked the cameras in front of his original production : he has re-conceived it in filmic terms , making obvious concessions to cinematic literalism while retaining the sense of wonder .
18 He has jolted me into new experiences , obliging me to reconsider old questions about good and bad , beautiful and ugly , vulgar and elite , ’ and ‘ has been a major innovator in exploring new visual sources , new media , new thresholds of propriety ’ .
19 Some of her family and friends who knew that her marriage was unsuccessful may assume that her feelings about her husband 's death could only be those of relief that their life together is over at last and that she is now free to seek a better future for herself ; not realising that if a woman has lived with a man for many years , unless he has treated her with extreme cruelty , and shown her no love at all throughout the whole of their marriage , some kind of bond is bound to have existed between them , and that even if he left her with only a handful of good memories of times they spent together , it is likely that she may want to hold on to them , cherish them , and even build upon them .
20 Does the Secretary of State not accept that our valley councils have lost more in rate support grant over the past 10 years than he has given them in new money in the latest package ?
21 He has forbidden me to fast or even keep the days of abstinence .
22 The husband will be presumed , in the ordinary case where husband and wife live together , and she orders goods to meet the household needs , to have authorized her to pledge his credit for that purpose , unless he has supplied her with sufficient ready money .
23 ‘ They are great pals , the prince enjoys her company and he has found her of great help in the recent troubles he has had at home .
24 It has stood her in good stead , for she has had to deal with very serious health problems and has never allowed these to depress or hinder her .
25 Because it says put them in individual glasses but er er
26 I met Jenkinson briefly and he seems to have plenty of practical , if not authorial experience ; there is apparently a profile of him in January 's EFL Gazette .
27 So they can be the deciding factor in what your programme 's going to be , so it pays to keep them in good trim .
28 Yeah the l that 's the laughable thing as well , he tries to criticize it on ideological grounds
29 Well it does tell you for Central but it , up there .
30 But it does lend itself to careful analysis and preparation which may well pay off during the actual bargaining .
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