Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] down [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then I was down at the Chough last night and everyone was on about it .
2 I think I would have to give the biscuit to him because one day I was down at the bankruptcy court and I discovered that he had 130 petitions on the file and I do n't think mine reached 100 !
3 I was down at the library today .
4 Forty-five minutes after agreeing to write this I was down on the bridge at Abingdon watching the sun set across the Thames .
5 When I came back here I was down on the ground , looking for gold , I could n't find it .
6 Susan : ‘ Well , Vera , I was down in the Bank this morning paying my ESB and you know what happened — an old gentleman came in with flowers for a member of the staff — it was lovely to see ’ .
7 ‘ I had some time off while I was working in Los Angeles and I was down by the hotel pool .
8 Now when I was down by the river at half seven … ’
9 He 's there , still curled up and still secured by the tape , but he must have wriggled his way through to here while you were down in the cellar ; he 's knocked over a table with the phone on it and he 's just turning the phone the right way up as you enter the lounge and see him .
10 ‘ It was while you were down in the cellar , changing over the barrels , ’ she told him .
11 After her fifth or sixth toke she was down to the end of the joint and a couple of the dried seeds exploded like miniature fireworks , making her jump and then starting her off giggling .
12 She was down at the scene of the picket .
13 She realized she was down from the morph-plus , and that her senses were sharper than they had ever been before .
14 But , when she was down in the country , I had a BSkyB dish installed in London and it took her 24 hours to find it .
15 Minutes later , she was down in the yard , unlocking the feed shed in the morning darkness .
16 She was down in the dirt , rolling away from the sharp-toed kicks .
17 So who was down at the bus on her own ?
18 On the way home she made a detour to pick wild flowers for her mother , who was down at the harbour gutting pilchards and would be late back .
19 Ten minutes later we were down on the beach at Taroona , near Hobart ( and the mouth of the Derwent River ) launching the boat from the beach in traditional manner by reversing the trailer into the surf .
20 We were down in the bar , up the club on Saturday night your Aunt Jean and Raymond and I and this fella beside us was drunk and he put his arm round this woman 's neck , you know the thing , what about ?
21 And when we were down in the kitchen the partition between the butt and the bairn as they called it was going like that inside of the house in the gale .
22 We were down in the cellar when a policeman ran and told us to get out .
23 They were down on the floor , and one side of her face was scorched by Gordon 's mother 's horrible gas-fire , in front of which there was a bowl of tepid water .
24 Dear , they were down at the Paradise the other night … looks serious . ’
25 By the time he got his foot to the brake pedal they were down among the mud and the car slid on for several yards before coming to a halt .
26 Besides , they were down by the river now , and she wanted to see the bridge …
27 They were down in the order book at four and eight pence .
28 Ah well they were down in the garden we said
29 No doubt they were down in the cellar sheltering from the bombardment .
30 It was down to the practice ground in the gloom for Jack and myself but I managed to get a message to Sally to meet me an hour later than planned .
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