Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] to be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was an affliction rather than a gift , and I was to be healed of it two years later by what I believe was the power of Christ .
2 Still virginal in my dealings with the music press , I was to be despatched to the Reading Festival to cover this bastion of the British rock calendar for NME .
3 Now I was to be given to Syl .
4 ‘ Then I could show Mother Francis that I 'd be back up in the convent in time for Mass in the chapel , and she 'd get to know I was to be relied on . ’
5 ‘ The following afternoon I was to be found in Green Park near Buckingham Palace with two ‘ smart ’ ladies in tow , the Hon Mrs This and That , and I had to photograph their hats .
6 I was to be incarcerated for another two days and nights on a diet of three assorted pills and a curious fizzy powder in a paper wrapper , presented every few hours with instructions in mime .
7 George and I were to be victims , I was to be taken to the top floor and George to the third floor up .
8 They informed me that my Mom had been taken into hospital and I was to be taken into care until she recovered .
9 I was to be interviewed in New York , en route to Rio , by an agent who specialised in placing people like me .
10 It had dawned on me that not only was I leaving the comfortingly familiar surroundings of primary school but that I no longer had any influence whatsoever on the other pupils at the school which I had had before but I was to be demoted to ‘ the annoying first year ’ .
11 Meanwhile I was to be foisted on my reluctant Aunt Harriet , whom I had only previously met at family gatherings .
12 Lord Lloyd interviewed me , and explained that I was to report to the Military Attaché at the Baghdad Embassy , though I was to be attached to the British Institute .
13 Mr Humphreys said they offered different versions of the number of beds in the hospitals ; the number of people working there ; the volume of traffic on Hollyhurst Road ; the number of parking spaces which were to be created by Bioplan and the shift patterns worked by staff at Bioplan .
14 This was true of the declared intention to establish not just a common commercial policy once the transitional period had been concluded , but also of objectives which were to be sought during the transitional phase : a common transport policy , free movement of workers , and a common agricultural policy .
15 One frequent request was for containers in which to put belongings which were to be stored at Bloomsbury House : ‘ Alice needs 2 wooden boxes and 1 cardboard container in which to put all her belongings … ’
16 In return Mafart and Prieur had their sentences commuted to three years which were to be served in exile at the French military base on the Pacific island of Hao .
17 Saudi Arabia , by far the largest producer in OPEC , resisted pressure to accept a proportionally larger share of any cuts which were to be made in overall OPEC production .
18 A number of demands which were to be raised by the civil rights movement were taken up by the manifesto .
19 Pitching their eighty-nine lodges on the river 's eastern bank , the people grazed their ponies in the westerly hills and cut new lodge poles which were to be dragged to the Crow country when seasoned .
20 Speaking at Hull on 6 June Stafford Cripps outlined the new tactics which were to be followed by the Unity Campaign Committee .
21 With effect from March 7 , small businesses with up to 20 staff could operate within a largely free-enterprise regime , precise rules for which were to be formulated by a new National Committee for Small Enterprises .
22 The sellers had agreed to sell a quantity of tinned pears which were to be packed in cases containing 30 tins each .
23 Those who were now beginning to pay lay subsidies might think about that wealth and this statute , particularly about its words contrasting the defence of the realm with the endowment of the church — words which were to be echoed by Wyclif in the 1370s and in a royal grant as late as the 1440s .
24 No details were released of selection procedures for this committee , members of which were to be represented in the Legco until 2003 .
25 Another decree of December 1771 began the abolition of feudal rights , which were to be redeemed by money payments to their owners .
26 Many of the affected sites included training areas , barracks , recreational facilities and supply depots , but some involved airfields and support areas for sophisticated weaponry such as Pershing II missiles which were to be destroyed under the recent arms agreements with the Soviet Union .
27 The Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1958 , s.12 initiated a right to reasoned decisions which were to be treated as part of the record , but only in the sphere covered by the Act .
28 The Cecchini Report established the main barriers which were to be removed by implementing Article 13 of the SEA .
29 In return , the USA and her West European allies offered to halt the deployment of Cruise and Pershing missiles , which were to be supplied to the NATO powers later in 1983 .
30 The latest military technology was to be used in the construction of forts ( kreposti ) which were to be surrounded by massive earthworks , and to be of stone construction , unlike the seventeenth century ostrogi .
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