Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] say that i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 erm , so that if , if they then go to an appeal er , I was talking to this planning officer and I was saying that I think I 'll consult them , he said I do n't think you 'll need to he said , and of what you 've done so far is pretty good and I can get access to all the letters that have been written in , in objecting into the into the homes
2 ‘ My father 's old housekeeper — he and she grew old together — has a daughter who needs to make money ; , she lives in Nile Street , and if you were to say that I sent you , she might well be glad to put you up till it is time for you to go to Oxford . ’
3 In those days I was known as ‘ Horse ’ because it was said that I galloped , so the cries from team-mates Mike Powell and Ossie Cham were ‘ Come on , Horse ! ’
4 ‘ By wearing a uniform , it was saying that I resist democracy , rather than support it , ’ he said .
5 He was saying that I had a better disguise than he did .
6 My father was the sweetest man in the world and there was nothing I could fight him for , or do against him , or he against me , because nothing was said that I did n't agree with , or he did n't agree with , because I was a very easy child .
7 His way of praising me was to say that I wrote as naturally as a hen laying eggs , or to remark , after he had destroyed a work with his criticisms , ‘ Everything I have not marked seems to me either good or excellent .
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