Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] [verb] [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 She explained : ‘ I was called in at the last minute to help style a photographic session for Kylie about 18 months ago and it went from there .
2 It was when I was gazing dully at the finger , the heel of my hand resting in an intercostal space , that I felt the faintest flutter from below .
3 ‘ I have n't a clue — I was freaking out at the time .
4 I only explained I was listening in at the time .
5 Bedfield was the village I was living in at the time .
6 Sue likes me … lots of people like me … when I was helping out at the meat counter the other week , Jim said we should go bowling one night .
7 I was hanging around at the back of the church because I wanted a word with the vicar .
8 I was playing better at the end and if it had been a five set match I think I could have fought back . ’
9 Our housework was hard and long and laborious and erm we 'd got two children to look after and then I 'd got my brother who did n't leave home until he was thirty and er , you had n't got the time , you know , to do too many things , so er my interest was the young wives ' and it was really a as regards the erm the Guild itself , I was thrown in at the deep end when this lady who was with my mother , mother was treasurer , she was secretary , erm she used to come down for me and , I know you should n't canvass but she used to canvass and say erm you know the voting , you know , will you , will you come and vote ?
10 Well I was thrown in at the deep end Different persons came in maybe if we had a job in a hurry and they would say , Oh you 're on at such and such a time at this .
11 There were times when I was starting in at the cattle that it stood between me and the road .
12 I had a kind of ear infection which caused giddiness and I had to come out of the West End play I was appearing in at the time , The Rose Tattoo .
13 I was toddling around at the time getting into mischief the way any normal , healthy three-year-old boy does .
14 ‘ Most of the trauma I was going through at the time is written into that film , ’ he admitted reflectively .
15 ‘ Because I 'll never cry for you again , ’ I said , which was a very false promise , because I was crying inside at the time , and only I know how much I cried for her later .
16 I was working late at the office as you know .
17 I was left cruelly at the mercy of the ‘ sames ’ : a different in the middle of identicals .
18 I have read Primo Levi 's experience at Auschwitz and I produced a series of paintings based on the Holocaust which were exhibited together at the Mercury Gallery .
19 His on-stage father would unsnap the child 's clothes , which were held together at the back by a clasp , pack them with toothbrush , pyjamas , and reading matter , and throw the patient luggage at an assistant stage manager dressed as a railway porter .
20 And I was working upstairs in er what 's called the gascon module , Which was shut down at the time for repair work and things like that .
21 We on this side of the House will continue to propose and to support policies which give practical effect to the hope for a new and durable world order of peace , liberty , and prosperity which was expressed again at the United Nations last week .
22 It all became a kind of tribute to the Falklands which was going on at the time of writing .
23 The officer had dismounted from the grey horse which was skittering nervously at the road s edge .
24 But he took the evening paper suggestion more seriously , and it eventually emerged as the London Daily News , which was changed ambitiously at the last minute into Britain 's first twenty-four-hour ‘ rolling newspaper ’ , aimed at pulling both evening and morning sales .
25 Hence , this was the first of his conference performances which was aimed primarily at the nation .
26 In a written statement Bush claimed that the legislation , which was aimed partly at the sale of chemical weapons technology to Iraq , had been vetoed because it " would severely constrain presidential authority in carrying out foreign policy " .
27 The Home Office granted her political asylum with uncharacteristic haste and from then on she was interviewed constantly by every newspaper and radio network represented in Britain — including , of course , the BBC 's German language service , which was aimed directly at the East Zone .
28 On the wall at the end of the Long Room hangs one of the few remaining copies of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic , which was read aloud at the General Post Office on Easter Monday 1916 .
29 On the Gamily Fast Day in October , the children gave up snacks and donated the money save to a collection which was brought up at the offertory at a special mass in school .
30 She was dressed in a long white robe of finely pleated linen , which was belted loosely at the waist .
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