Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] [verb] [prep] three years " in BNC.

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1 Until 1938 only about 25 had been recorded , and between 1938 and 1961 about 120 were seen , numbers varying from one to seven annually ; none was seen in three years ( des Forges and Harber ) .
2 I mean we 'll be back to the scenario that we were fighting for three years ago .
3 1981 , Richard Helier and an associate were convicted in a federal court in Madison , Wisconsin , of numerous counts of diverting institutional funds ; later they were sentenced to three years in prison .
4 In 1707 , Gibraltar became besieged by the Spaniards and it was defended for three years by General Elliot , who became Lord Heathfield and who bought Heathfield House , facing Turnham Green , from Lord Egmont , in 1789 .
5 It was missing for three years , until recovered unharmed from Bothwell Brig in Lanarkshire .
6 He was jailed for three years , as was his accomplice Bernard Lynch , a ‘ freelance ’ accountant from south London .
7 He was sentenced to three years house arrest , was released in August 1956 , and lived till his death in 1967 , under guard in his estate .
8 He was sentenced to three years for manslaughter and perverting the course of justice .
9 In 1884 he was articled for three years to the architect Robert Edis .
10 It was clear from the sentences imposed on the other defendants , one of whom was sentenced to three years ' imprisonment , that the sentencer considered that a longer sentence would have been appropriate if the appellant had been over 21 .
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