Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [adv] [adv] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Sooner or later , the knee will have to make a move , but now it is immobilised by the two flies , the lower of which is so still that it seems dead .
2 There 's nowhere now that you can run … ’
3 But there is nowhere else that we might get our conception of the physical world from , other than perception .
4 However , there is plenty here that you will find interesting because , despite all the books , journals , newspaper articles , radio programmes and so on , gardeners still have problems and ask a lot of questions .
5 There is still much that we need to know about HIV and AIDS , and we are all learning all of the time .
6 There is still much that we do not know ; J. Hartley in a thirty-year survey ended shatteringly : There is a complex job to be done .
7 I guess it 's probably just that he glide up to the second part of the diphthong , has been displaced so you 've just got the first part of it left ,
8 and er , it 's just so that they can maybe pick out oh yeah !
9 See it 's about like that it 's a little bit It 's it 's ninety and a tiny bit
10 Since the final Munro has been with you all the way along , it 's only here that you feel you are now finally making your way towards it and the conclusion of the walk .
11 It 's only recently that they 've been doing more good than harm and it 's therefore ironic that people have tended to give so much publicity in the last twenty or thirty years to the things that have gone wrong , to the disasters which sometimes do happen with medicines , because really medicines now , as compared with thirty or forty years ago , are doing a tremendous amount of good .
12 Well it 's only recently that she 's started drinking orange juice I know But she has n't liked it at all .
13 It 's only recently that I 've felt able to write about him , but the controversy about Down 's Syndrome babies has brought it all to the surface .
14 Residents had to wait a year before they could put in claims and it 's only now that they 're getting their offers through , based on the district valuer 's assessment of the value of their homes .
15 It 's only now that we are in the position where we can actually start to make the links , ’ said Mr Lee .
16 It 's only now that I feel that I could actually decide to have a relationship which is specifically going to be monogamous , which is a really big change for me … that makes me think immediately of AIDS but I 'm not sure .
17 I 've always got on well with adults , but it 's only now that I 'm starting to get on with my own generation , and I realise that I have to do that if I 'm to become a whole person .
18 It 's only now that I 'm getting to know what my best 15 or 16 players are , ’ admitted the ever-courteous Englishman .
19 Second , he feels guilty about how he treated you and wants to make amends — something people often do when they find happiness because it 's only then that they can afford to consider how much they have hurt others .
20 It 's only then that you realise just what a dictatorship can be like . ’
21 It 's very rarely that I have
22 It is even just that we should assign a greater degree of responsibility to children , for madmen , by virtue of their lack of free will , are completely without responsibility , while children , insofar as they possess reason in a partially developed form , can be held responsible ( i.e. can be required to take responsibility ) to a corresponding degree .
23 It is no longer that I find that it is a four bedroomed bungalow which is required , with bedrooms of sufficient size in the case of the plaintiff and the plaintiff 's parents and that work of alteration er to the bungalow will be necessary along the lines of Mr report but it will not involve the building of any extension .
24 It is very rarely that we know the age of a bride .
25 It is much more that he seems to be playing games .
26 It 's tempting to stop the drama at such morally dubious moments , but it is precisely here that we find the greatest learning opportunities .
27 It is precisely there that they considered themselves the most competent and consequently interfered in all spheres of its life .
28 I did n't know at that time what the content of the exhibition was because Sarah who organised it all had to write to lots of people and arrange the loans and you know it is fairly recently that we discovered for example the tate would lend , their pictures because its very rare that they do , erm , and , so we thought the next best thing , when I discovered the change of dates would be to have slides of the pictures that Sue was using , but erm oh dear then wonderful that Sue was using a another book and this term allocated and I was n't able to get the slides she picked , it was my fault that they 're not on slide due to the amount of time that we had to do this .
29 It is easy for adopted parents to feel hurt or rejected and it is only rarely that they and the child make the search together .
30 Because of socialisation it is only rarely that we have to puzzle out a meaning for an action which we come across in our normal social encounters — most actions seem perfectly intelligible to us the moment they occur — because we have learnt the rules by which others are playing the ‘ game ’ .
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