Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [adj] for [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But some plants actually prefer varying degrees of shade , which is fortunate for gardeners choosing plants for gloomy corners or the dappled shade beneath trees .
2 Pruning go-ahead : Darlington Borough Council , which is responsible for tree felling , has given permission for extensive pruning work to be done on an oak tree at Hawkswood in Hurworth Place .
3 Walk past the Observatory which is open for public stargazing from 19.00 to 22.00 each evening .
4 This is a comprehensive slide collection of illustrators ' work , which is open for clients to visit and from which they can select the illustrators ' work , which is open for clients to visit and from which they can select the illustrators they consider to be most suitable for a particular job .
5 This is a comprehensive slide collection of illustrators ' work , which is open for clients to visit and from which they can select the illustrators ' work , which is open for clients to visit and from which they can select the illustrators they consider to be most suitable for a particular job .
6 Amongst the alternatives are tungsten , diamond and ruby carvers offering a range of benefits from longer life to precise detailing , which is vital for wildfowl carving .
7 Incidentally , although it 's impractical for people to call Ampeg , I have a box number for anyone who might want to write to me for advice .
8 It 's immoral for lawyers to take advantage of people 's grief this way .
9 It 's strange for Balestre to criticise a tribunal he created , ’ Liistro said .
10 40 windsurfers share with 30 dinghy sailors and non-sailing friends , in this flexible resort where it 's possible for windsurfers to sail in Toppers or Lasers , and where the dinghy sailors can easily dabble in a little windsurfing .
11 You must get used to waiting in this sport as it 's so dependent on weather conditions — it 's unsafe for beginners to fly in wind speeds over 15mph .
12 A study 's to be carried out to see whether it 's feasible for trains to travel along the Great Western line at a hundred and fifty miles an hour .
13 Yes we were told they 're going to be trees like that because they 've had a lot of trouble with pigeons roosting in the erm the mature trees and it 's impossible for people to sit on the benches underneath cos of er pigeon mess .
14 ‘ If I have that reputation it 's nice for people to say that .
15 And it 's crucial for children to get help as early as possible .
16 It 's easy for people to sit here and say get rid of Roy Aitken .
17 have a poll tax , and let's have fifty per cent V A T , why , make it a hundred per cent and then it 's easy for people to calculate .
18 Above : once she 's got the T-shirt in position , it 's easy for Clare to slip her head through the big hole in the middle
19 It 's easy for Maurice to say that .
20 We do n't think that it 's unreasonable for players to enjoy a drink not necessarily an alcoholic one . ’
21 You 're always saying it 's antisocial for people to have second homes or leave property empty .
22 It 's dangerous for Fouché to employ her .
23 It 's good for Dinah to stretch her voice . ’
24 They say it 's good for children to grow up with pets around them .
25 With the housing market still struggling to recover , the Bonners may not be moving in the very near future — but it 's rare for follies to come on the market , especially ones you can live in — so it may not be long before a buyer comes along keen to take up residence in Enoch 's Tower .
26 The point is , we 've cleared up the area and it 's safe for children to play and people to go about their business .
27 The second thing productive I do n't think it 's productive for people to interrupt start shouting at me and chairing at me or shout shout at the platform cos I think all that 's gon na happen there is the meetings gon na disintegrate and nothing will be as right .
28 it 's not easy to recognise solvent misusers and it 's hard for shopkeepers to know whether a young person will use a product for sniffing rather than for its legitimate purpose .
29 With no reserve football in Italy it 's hard for Milan to keep all their stars happy but , with Burlusconi having pumped £50m into a club which as £15m in debt when he arrived seven years ago , there are few grumbles on the terraces .
30 It 's hard for people like us because I think playing music is a legitimate goal in life and you 're not made to feel legitimate , you 're made to feel opportunist . ’
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