Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [not/n't] [adj] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The problem has arisen in the social sciences because classical statistics were originally developed to meet the requirements of the natural sciences and reflect a deductive style of hypothesis development which is not suitable for exploring dirty data in the context of amorphous and incomplete theories .
2 However , damages are not recoverable by enforcement against ‘ protected property ’ ( which includes a political fund which is not available for financing strikes and provident benefits fund ) .
3 Perhaps the company has been taken over by a larger group which is not interested in building it tip .
4 We need a government which is not afraid of playing its part , a government that is not clinging to some of the apparent certainties of the Cold War but one that is willing to step off the sidelines and help ensure that through co-operation between East and West we can move from the two old Europes to the one new Europe with stability .
5 She says she 's not used to living indoors .
6 I thought , well if she 's not used to walking boots
7 A social worker , confronted by a young woman grieved by mastectomy , indicates that she is not repulsive by placing a hand on her person — either at the site of the missing breast or the other breast .
8 Although she inherited millions from film star Wayne , friends say she is not good at handling finances and the debts have mounted up .
9 ‘ We hope you do n't mind our saying this , but do you think it wise to let Mrs Ross go out alone at her age when she is not used to living in the country ?
10 She may be virtuous , but she is not capable of defending civilisation against its attackers .
11 I have yet to come across a police officer who is not interested in stamping out racism . ’
12 Hereford 's cup defeat at Bath was the biggest blow of the weekend … there 's not much to chose between the bottom pro league and the top amateur table these days …
13 It ca n't afford to expend too much energy on a prey it 's not certain of catching .
14 It does n't it 's not good for building up relationships .
15 It 's not ready for rigging yet is it ?
16 The story is not about justice ; it is not one of righting wrongs , but of acting with love , compassion and wisdom .
17 A ‘ Unfortunately , whilst you can use this ‘ guestimating ’ method for the neckband and certain staple double bed fabrics , it is not suitable for stocking stitch .
18 Surrounded on three sides by railway , it is not suitable for housing because of the large concentration of industry around that area .
19 My research documents the importance of participative management when change is involved even if it is not necessary for managing the routine .
20 Her Birmingham background is hinted at and if you can manage a Birmingham accent it might be useful , but it is not essential in finding the character .
21 It is not helpful in telling us why individuals are where they are , and it is unlikely to give us real clues about possible future developments .
22 For women in particular , this last effect is particularly important as , when the body is producing an excess of adrenalin , it is not capable of producing as much of the female hormones as is normally desirable .
23 Although it might appears that this unit could be used to copy into EEPROMS , this proved impractical with my own computer because it is not capable of providing the longer write pulses necessary ( typically about 10mS ) .
24 A Xerox machine is capable of copying its own blueprints , but it is not capable of springing spontaneously into existence .
25 Contrary to some opinion , however , it is not possible for grazing alone to convert extensive areas of pure heather moorlands to other non-ericaceous vegetation , grassland in particular .
26 It is not rude in pointing out that she sometimes fails to apply it ,
27 It is not adequate for describing the task 's operators , nor does it suffice for description of the whole search space .
28 While Strathclyde records the highest numbers of the most serious offences , the survey highlights that it is not alone in suffering steep rises in violent crime .
29 ‘ Personally , I am disappointed that The Stock Exchange has indicated that it is not interested in following this route . ’
30 Three — it is not afraid of dreaming ; of going into new methods , new concepts , new ways of reaching people .
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