Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [adv] be [v-ing] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll definitely be taking care this time , ’ said Martin , who was allowed out of hospital on Christmas Eve .
2 If this had n't happened , I 'd probably be teaching music .
3 Enya : ‘ If this had n't happened , I 'd probably be teaching music . ’
4 My friends are still traumatised by the shock of passing over , but rest assured I shall soon be attempting communion with them .
5 I shall merely be requesting information about a taste which puzzles me , not demanding a further reason without which the whole string of answers will prove to be baseless .
6 Er I hope that makes the matter clear , because when we come to make a decision on this group of amendments , er when I er seek the opinion of the er Committee on my Amendment five , I shall only be seeking agreement to Amendment five and its related amendments er eight and eleven and if the Noble Lord , Lord er if , if the House were er to disagree with my Amendment or if it were to be withdrawn and the Noble Lord , Lord amendment were , were put , I think he would agree that it would only tha that that a decision by the Committee would only relate to the amendments in his name because we have in fact four alternatives before us which we are debating together .
7 He said that after 3 ½ years of competition between British Telecom and the Cable and Wireless subsidiary , Mercury Communications , it was time to survey customers ' experience and , if necessary , ‘ identify practices which might still be inhibiting competition ’ .
8 Some of them are reluctant to ask visiting relatives , who may already be doing shopping for them , to run extra errands , such as taking prescriptions to the chemist or clothes to the launderette or dry cleaners , changing their library books and collecting their pension ; so it is always as well to check to make sure that you are meeting these needs , or arranging for someone else to do so .
9 When removed from the toy-town world of textbooks , information about investment and calculations based on an understanding of interest rates can be illuminating for the young mathematician who may also be studying geography , business studies or economics at school .
10 For example , the modern female hostage who falls in love with her captor may not merely be manifesting the well-known defence of ‘ identification with the aggressor ’ ( particularly since it is not so much identification with him as submission to him ) , she may instead be giving way to her phylogenetic id and its demand that a female captured by a male should look to him for sexual satisfaction .
11 ‘ Ben and I were sure that you must still be feeling jet lagged .
12 To do this you should always be looking upwind to spot the give-away dark furry patches on the water that mark their approach .
13 If you 're converting your loft , or want a fitted bedroom or bathroom , you 'll probably be making use of fibreboards in one shape or another .
14 You 'd simply be committing suicide : you 're either a killer or some fruitcake who thinks he 's a killer and neither wanted in today 's modern Army thank you . ’
15 Imagine yourself as an examiner working on a huge pile of scripts in pleasant summer weather when you would rather be playing tennis .
16 Retailers who will definitely be taking space are Dixon Sports , Strand Cards , H Samuel , C&J Clark and Dorothy Perkins .
17 Hopefully you will also be raising money through sponsorship to help selected projects in countries far worse off than our own .
18 However , with more than 25% of all district councillors returned in 1990 being women , we may just be seeing evidence of a ‘ bottom up ’ trend in female participation in electoral politics in Britain .
19 The logical conclusion of all this is that there can no longer be a justification for the massive nuclear arsenals held by both sides , that only the absolute minimum of nuclear defence is required and that , because President Yeltsin , too , now has his finger on the nuclear button , we should now be doing business with him on this issue as on so many others .
20 Er , we need to now have some to er cover the cost of proposed adaptations to bring support staff together , which I 'll , which we 've got in hand , and we 'll also be miring money , I think from the salary budget to help with the cost of er the total quality training .
21 But , honestly , I think we 'll just be wasting time if I go on like this . ’
22 We 'll certainly be offering business administration , and may offer the care award , too , in conjunction with the College of Nautical Studies .
23 The project we 're hoping to sponsor , there 's now Friends of the Earth in Ghana , erm who 've Doctor Plumtree quite rightly said , Ghana are working hard on re-forestation schemes , and a scheme that Friends of the Earth is doing is a community re- forestation scheme , because a lot of the re-forestation schemes are from the top down , and they do n't actually get the villagers involved in whatever , so we 'll actually be funding community reforestation schemes , several species of trees , particularly those which help to regenerate the soil , especially if it 's been degraded because the trees have been chopped down , or what-have-you .
24 We 'd always be fighting coz we knew the older fellas had .
25 I 've seen Dad and we shall soon be having dinner . ’
26 Before the end of the session , we shall also be contacting centre co-ordinators , asking for information about first destinations of candidates who have completed a general SVQ .
27 We shall also be asking centre co-ordinators to help us in collecting important information about candidates ' first destinations after taking general SVQs .
28 They eat ‘ dinner ’ at nine in the evening or even later , while I am ravenous at five o'clock when at home we would usually be having tea .
29 prior to ratification there would always be enabling legislation , incorporating by statute those prospective treaty obligations which could not be given effect under prerogative powers , and required changes to domestic common law or statute .
30 The scale of the problem is such that £94m could be spent in Middlesbrough alone and there would still be housing need in that town .
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