Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 One thing I have learned is that I should never tell class members to lift their ‘ jambon ’ . ’
2 I 've done various things on my computer today and I can successfully make ASCII files .
3 I can probably get freelance credentials .
4 Due to the high resistance and small current involved in this circuit , and to preserve battery life , it is now beneficial to clean the copper side of the circuit board with a rag soaked in meths to remove finger grease which may otherwise cause leakage currents to flow .
5 Finally , we may note the effect of the variance in Β , which may again reflect policy measures .
6 This is a developing service which should also develop software standards in the future .
7 However , it is of interest , for instance , that cost increases in mass market paperbacks during the period 1981–6 were almost double those of general hardback publications — a fact which should certainly influence selection choices between hard and paperback editions of the same work .
8 These include proposals to codify in detail the criteria for applying the rule of reason , to reduce antitrust penalties for ventures that include cooperating in the production and marketing of the fruits of R&D , to establish a ‘ safe harbour ’ for collaborating firms that lack market power , and to establish an administrative review process that would clear proposals which might otherwise risk antitrust penalties ( for further details , see Brodley , 1990 ; Shapiro and Willig , 1990 ; Jorde and Teece , 1990 ; and others ) .
9 Representation was most frequently by a friend or relative , or by a social worker , though there was a large unhelpful category labelled ‘ other ’ , which might well include welfare rights advisers .
10 A former Justice Department prosecutor , Lawrence Barcella , said that the policy risked offending otherwise friendly countries , which might even bring kidnapping charges against the FBI .
11 With Manchester United due at White Hart Lane on Saturday , Tottenham 's problems are made worse by a lengthening injury list which could soon reach crisis proportions .
12 I know one gay bar in London which used occasionally to screen porn videos , including safer-sex videos , but that has stopped after discreet pressure from the local nick .
13 This change arises from the differences in size between the components which would normally mean mole fractions close to unity for the solvent especially when dilute solutions are being studied .
14 To ease the changeover , the Membership Working Party had recommended that the September Medau News feature an article about Membership which would particularly thank group secretaries , who we would like to call class secretaries in future , for all their past efforts and seek their co-operation with the new system .
15 Highlander was a linkpin in the whole operation , bringing together many people who had been involved in land issues over a large geographical area , schools , community groups , local politicians , academics , and interested individuals Workshops at Highlander laid the foundations for articulation of the problems and a research methodology for establishing the relative facts and presenting them in a manner which would best suit community requirements .
16 The Association found that for the first time the municipal government was taking its demands seriously and was prepared to make concessions which would effectively improve working conditions .
17 Lawyers acting for the 14 nuns are due to see a judge in chambers today to ask for a judicial review which would effectively prevent ministry officials carrying out the slaughter at Our Lady of the Passion Monastery near Daventry .
18 Moreover , in the humanities and much professional and social science literature , titles are by no means the precise description of the subject matter that one usually expects in Nature ; in a notorious example , an article on information retrieval appeared in the Library Association Record entitled " How golden is your retriever ? " — an article which would greatly puzzle dog fanciers who had turned to the computer for search along these simple lines .
19 Up to 1,600 jobs will go in the take-over which will also halt charter operations and cut the number of Dan-Air scheduled routes from 28 to 12 .
20 Coleman tell us that an unleaded version of the stove is on its way — a move which will greatly reduce running costs .
21 However , the law does not normally allow for any order to be made which will directly affect pension entitlements ( see Cretney and Masson , 1990 , pp. 405–7 ) .
22 you can also eliminate the need for buttonholes in a woven fabric , since it takes kindly to crochet edges which can also include loop fastenings .
23 Many nurseries are adding species and Old varieties to their lists and you may well find shrub forms , ramblers and climbers all grouped under the one heading .
24 Because you are so aware , you may even hear background noises outside , and you will certainly hear the therapist 's voice .
25 You ought never to see nutrient deficiencies because they are a sign of incorrect feeding .
26 I think you should just get pencil crayons cos otherwise we 'll never be able to use them .
27 For the best results you should really add Screen Scenes to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file .
28 You should never leave credit cards , cheque books , wallets or handbags lying around — no matter where you are .
29 You should always carry make-up savers such as powder , lipstick and concealer and keep an emergency grooming kit in your drawer — manicure set , spare tights/stockings and hairstyle revitalisers .
30 It does not follow that in owning a funboard you should only learn funboard techniques .
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