Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I may yet decide to take matters into my own hands .
2 After a bit I 'll probably start seeing visions .
3 I could hardly remember having muffins before , although I 'd seen the muffin man in his white apron , a towel over his arm and a tray of muffins every Sunday afternoon .
4 Children get a lot out of them , much younger I think than most people assume , but I would also like to see changes in the organization of work for both men and women to make possible much more flexibility .
5 I would also like to see skills of writing and arguing developed and tested .
6 I would really prefer to teach girls , but this school was kind enough to give me a part-time job when I wanted it , so here I am ’ .
7 I am lucky that my other hobby of dressmaking is also my job of work , but even if it was n't I would still enjoy making things .
8 I will sometimes arrange to discuss things on three successive Mondays , for example , or three successive months perhaps , because you never have to take a quick decision in a business , and out of the talking with people who respond to your way of working the right answer very often comes — the decisions mostly take themselves .
9 I can also remember playing games and singing " Au clair de la lune " and marching to the sound of the piano .
10 There had been no other English children in Abyssinia , none in Somaliland , none at Aden , and in Delhi I can only remember meeting girls .
11 Finally , SCOTVEC will be approached to award SVQ Validation to the modular conversion course , which should then lead to tax concessions being available to all companies taking part .
12 This represents an inappropriate use of land which might otherwise grow needed crops and so save imports , particularly animal feedstuffs , forest products , chemical feedstuffs and fuels .
13 Intelligent management of the government party and careful preparation of the way in House of Lords can guarantee a relatively smooth passage for a Bill which might otherwise have encountered difficulties .
14 Mrs Janet Postance , Landscore 's head , carries about with her a cardboard box which might once have held apples , now replaced with documents relating to the national curriculum , the Devon Education Authority curriculum and her own school curriculum .
15 Rather than satisfying the expectations of the normal ‘ gallery set ’ , O ‘ Connell wished to create a piece for habitual market users ; she needed a material and a concept which could equally accommodate skating children , organic vegetable enthusiasts and wandering passers by .
16 While these are the most important tools for the grouping together of coins , there are other subsidiary methods which can sometimes help to define groups of coins .
17 Others who may well have had reservations about him ( though we shall probably have to wait some time before their reflections can be made available to us ) were the oil-company spokesmen to whom he advanced new facts of life during the earnestly disputed discussions between OPEC and the major companies in Tehran in December 1973 .
18 Mr Blake Lee-Harwood , water and pollution campaigner , said : ‘ It will awaken a lot of interest in others who may also want to sue polluters .
19 You may well want to change things , adding new or different information , when you have had a little more experience of what people are looking for .
20 You may also need to set jumpers on the motherboard according to the type of RAM devices you are using and the video card .
21 As well as using up adrenaline you may also need to relax muscles which have stiffened up because of tension .
22 You may also have to state facts which are obvious to you , but not to cousins who have not seen the family for several years .
23 You may also wish to reserve names for any command files ( eg. LIFESPAN_STARTUP.COM ) which you wish to include in the package .
24 Turn up to Lydiard Millicent Country Park in Swindon with a cartoon style kite and you may just detect twitching strings of scorn .
25 That same ability to identify helps her appreciate the hurts she may sometimes have caused others .
26 You should also remember to put copies of the graphics files , especially EPS ones , on the disk with your pages .
27 You are the person who has the initiative , so you should never need to arrange interviews , even one-off interviews , when you are pressed for time .
28 The advice offered in Chapter 8 on more effective reading was that you should only begin to take notes after a first reading — when you 've grasped the structure and got the gist of the topic being dealt with .
29 The form of service and the choice of hymns , if any , should be your parent 's , and if she is hoping to see her husband 's coffin surrounded by flowers on its last journey , nobody should suggest to her that she should instead consider asking relatives and friends to send donations to a suitable charity , for this may upset her deeply , and if she gives in to it , it may become a burning resentment in her later on .
30 His Solidarity scheme , based on help for those who help themselves , has provided schools and sewers for those who might otherwise have waited years for benefits to trickle down .
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