Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [be] [verb] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , I 'll be going tomorrow morning .
2 " If I was full time , I 'd be taking home £40 a week , " said a Sheffield hotel worker who is also a single parent .
3 Dear Ethel Tell mother I shall be writing to-morrow night .
4 I shall be partying tomorrow night .
5 And two of them might be called even pedestrian .
6 Income from Crown lands stood in 1559 at about 66,000 per annum , to which should be added about £12,000 from the lands of the Duchy of Lancaster .
7 Professor Dietz estimates the total cost of the wages and equipment of these armies at £892,000 , to which should be added about £20,000 , lent to the Emperor Maximilian .
8 Sheriff officers appointed by the Scottish Office yesterday handed Alistair Diplexcito and his wife , June , eviction papers which will be executed tomorrow morning .
9 Details of maternity rights , including absence from work and maternity pay , may be obtained from the Personnel Manager who should be advised once pregnancy has been confirmed .
10 She must be screwing either Bill Templeman or that Arab bastard .
11 There follows two pages from Erica at the ABON LANGUAGE SCHOOL : giving list of names and addresses of the students you 'll be collecting tomorrow morning .
12 And there 's a filter light and he said oh you 'll be waiting here ages put it in neutral just as
13 Shildon-born Mr Jackson said : ‘ To be a good instructor you must have had at least a season 's skiing on snow and if you want to get basic qualifications you would be charged around £3,000 . ’
14 No matter how great one 's design ability , or how beautiful or costly the materials with which you frame your design , if the pressed flowers are not perfect then you will be wasting both time and money .
15 Entries have already started coming in , and we 'll be awarding bi-monthly prizes as well as the overall prize of £1000-worth of New Balance kit .
16 We have contributed to numerous guidance notes on new regulations across a wide range of industrial , service and commercial sections through Steven we have submitted a draft proposal on a directive covering upper limb disorders to the European Commission we 'll be putting further proposals for the establishment of a European work environment fund to assist workplace activity , workplace research on health and safety and environmental issues .
17 Only one will be built so Didcot may yet be reprieved .
18 In this book we will be discussing mainly features which are easily seen in the landscape , from deserted villages to fields and churches .
19 We have a body that deals with police here and they should be doing there duties , no good the local police tell us there 's only eight members a shift , cos we do n't believe it , they get on the Council and so they someone say what about all these other places that are being robbed of a night time . .
20 ‘ I ordered beds for you weeks ago , and the company promised faithfully they 'll be delivered tomorrow morning , but that does n't mean a thing .
21 Three of the 64 Berkshire commoners are refusing to accept a deal under which they would be paid about £750 each to forfeit rights over the built-up part of the US Air Force base and agree not to exercise them in other areas .
22 He must be doing so man hours .
23 He 'll be coming here anytime now that man .
24 It had taken her all this time to put her life back together , and now it looked as if it might be turned completely upside down again , and all because of Julius !
25 Well the farmers for the last couple of years have been arguing that they want this green rate devalued er to try and bring it line more with the market rate er and what this would do would er increase our guaranteed prices in this country and in fact on Friday this happened er the green rate was devalued by 60%. er and so I 've done a few calculations er and for the farmers that are listening and er may understand this er if he was selling his grain in November 89 he would be getting about £99 a ton , whilst if he sells it in November this year he 'll be getting £110 a ton .
26 He would be playing only male leads : Mrs Donovan made that clear .
27 He will be paid around £3million — the same wage he was offered in a cut-price deal by Renault-Williams .
28 He will be losing around £50,000 a month . ’
29 Since it can be dated radiometrically tephra provides a valuable stratigraphic marker and a means both of determining the minimum age of the landsurface on which it is deposited , and of recording the activity of particular volcanoes .
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