Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [not/n't] [adv] have [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 've got all the countries blanks might not oh I might not even have the countries on but if you had blanks you could put countries in , that 'll be easier than
2 I could n't even have a separation because I know what damage that does to the children and I would never , never , never break up the home for their sake . ’
3 I could n't possibly have a divorce .
4 I am involved in cases that I would n't otherwise have the chance to deal with .
5 Erm cos I 'd always said ooh I would n't ever have a sunbed and all that , but I did in the end , cos we were n't gon na go anywhere so
6 I ca n't even have a bet on , on Saturday
7 Ooh I 've been listening really carefully an I I ca n't even have a hazard a guess at this one .
8 I ca n't even have a
9 Since I shall not always have the courage
10 You ca n't have an overdraft and you may not even have a bank account .
11 If your new code begins with a K , you will have more tax deducted than previously from your salary each period , but you should not normaly have an extra demand for tax after the end of the year .
12 ‘ If you stay here a bit longer , ’ Tremayne said , ‘ and if you ride schooling satisfactorily , I do n't see why you should n't eventually have a mount in an amateur race , if you put your mind to it . ’
13 And you ca n't even have a bloody free Dinky car .
14 See you ca n't even have a civilized con
15 It 's not you you ca n't just have an abstract theory that 's not tied
16 If instead of paid work , you are thinking of becoming self-employed or setting up a business , you will not only have the start-up costs but , as you are probably well aware , very few new enterprises make a profit during the first two or three years .
17 You will not always have a book available to you .
18 Joanna , trying to cope with the painful fact that she can not ever have a baby , begins to remember the life of 19th-century Anna and her son , Merlin .
19 It has long been known that skilled smallholders , owning their own plots of land , can produce very much more from an acre than large-scale farmers with labourers who can not possibly have the same dedication .
20 Yet fellow members of a species can understand each other with the greatest of ease , while we may not even have the senses to perceive their communications to each other , let alone understand them .
21 Er and so think er not we should not just have a policy for the we should put some money towards it as well .
22 We need n't even have a camera in the room .
23 Because otherwise we shall not even have the most elementary preconditions for this development …
24 See what see what you can do and perhaps er Jane you could just look into the possibility of erm because if I mean if we were going to do a run of pens we would n't just have a thousand would we ?
25 The main benefit from working with voluntary organisations is that they will help us into areas of work in the community which we would n't otherwise have an entry to .
26 That is why it is wholly inadequate to describe drama as " learning through action " — in drama we learn through thinking in new ways about actions and about decisions we would not otherwise have the opportunity to take .
27 I mean we ca n't even have a bonfire round our way now , can we , without them phoning the police .
28 It demeans politics if we ca n't occasionally have a laugh .
29 They may not even have a friend .
30 However they 're quick to point out that these are early days and they may not even have the right gene .
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