Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [not/n't] [verb] him in " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know why Barny chose to eat his own chicks , but I must n't judge him in human terms .
2 I could n't kick him in the teeth after three years of good work and live with myself .
3 I could not look him in the eyes .
4 Space is limited and the only other tank I have is a 21″ cube and I ca n't put him in there because it contains two small G. jurupari , a pair of G. brasiliensis , a pair each of Crenicara filamentosa , Cichlasoma sajica and Butterfly Rams , and an Ancistrus .
5 She endured his lovemaking , sometimes she even enjoyed it , but for the greater part she could not love him in the way he truly deserved .
6 She could not link him in her mind with her mother at all , though the two of them had once shared a mother themselves .
7 She could not see him in any such clear moralistic light .
8 She could n't look him in the face any more .
9 You ca n't leave him in the dark like that , ’ Tina exploded indignantly .
10 You ca n't leave him in ignorance for weeks .
11 If you ca n't find him in any of those places then try the Bramley Arms .
12 You will not find him in Russia .
13 ‘ Well , if she has a relative here , you wo n't find him in this part of the house .
14 We should not advise him in what circumstances the claim would be covered under the policy .
15 So we could n't fit him in either , so we 've actually sold Marvin sadly to Poole , which erm he 'll lead those to a good team I think .
16 Now we could n't have him in this year to give the others a chance so this is how you voted for the nineteen ninety three racing personality of the year on Channel Four and let's take it in reverse order starting with the person who finished fourth .
17 I think that we shall not beat him in set battle , the Bruce taught us that , surely …
18 ‘ No , we would n't leave him in some Beirut jail .
19 One ca n't see him in an ambassadorial role at all can one ?
20 We ca n't leave him in British hands . ’
21 erm if we ca n't satisfy him in terms of what we 've already submitted to the panel satisfy him in in terms of our actions .
22 But we ca n't taunt him in front of Dean .
23 We ca n't taunt him in front of Dean .
24 We ca n't taunt him in front of them lot .
25 While an overwhelming number of Scottish Labour MPs contacted by The Scotsman this week underlined their support for Mr Clarke , some of his original supporters indicated they would not support him in the shadow cabinet elections later this year .
26 So erm they would n't take him in the army but he , he was in the more or less he was , he was in the map making department .
27 He 's wanted by some of the top clubs but they wo n't get him in the sales .
28 I said I hoped it would n't involve him in being menaced by hoards of vengeful Hindu fundamentalists .
29 Club captain Gordon Strachan made the feelings of the Leeds players over Lukic plain last night when he said : ‘ He 's so mentally tough it wo n't bother him in the slightest .
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