Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] that [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 First , everyone should realise that the countryside is a workplace and not just a recreation place .
2 ‘ Ah , I must mention that the sun is shining , ’ said Mr Singleton .
3 The Secretary of State and his Ministers do not like to be reminded that they have a welfare role , but I must stress that the back payment of entitlement at issue tonight occurs under the National Insurance Act 1946 , a Social Security Act and the Supplementary Benefits Act 1976 which all state that DSS officers shall : ’ exercise their functions in such a manner as shall best promote the welfare of persons affected by the exercise of these functions . ’
4 However , I must stress that the word ‘ vigilante ’ in fact never passed my lips during the interview conducted by your reporter .
5 I must stress that the involvement of armed forces , the police and the voluntary services will cease once the trades unions agree , as they did two weeks ago , to provide normal accident and emergency service ’ .
6 I must stress that the equation is not one that Bukharin himself put forward , but has been derived by myself from his set of simple equations for equilibrium conditions .
7 A harmless grass snake , I concluded , although I must admit that the proximity of the Reptile Centre did make me a touch more circumspect than usual as I made for the summit .
8 Now I must agree that the recommendation for generic substitution would provide savings for our poor beleaguered NHS .
9 Not having the powers of an auditor , I must accept that the insurance industry is having difficulty balancing its books .
10 I must say that the standard of high jumping is very good this year .
11 I must say that the way the discussion has gone this morning , is n I would say , slightly disappointing because there is some attempt to make a positive contribution , but at the moment it 's not necessarily pointing us quite in the direction which we would hope to go .
12 Of course I must add that the concept of ethnicity is available to them , as it would not be available to my neighbours if I bought a cottage in Suffolk , unless they were anti-Semitic .
13 I must own that the possibility of taking matters further did cross my mind and infiltrated my uncensored dreams , but it would have been unwise at the time and later I was glad we had left things as they were .
14 On the material before me I think I should infer that the district judge attached at least some weight to the debtor 's arguments based on section 69 .
15 I should emphasize that the summary account given above is not at all official , and has no claim to comprehensiveness or objectivity .
16 I should think that a piece of string would do just as well .
17 Oh blimey , I should know that the land of milk and honey Denmark .
18 Mr. Widdicombe urged that even adopting this approach , I should find that the operation of the port was unreasonable and without proper regard for the interests of the residents .
19 Wittgenstein pointed out that no account is satisfactory that assumes that a human somehow surveys the alternatives and chooses one : ‘ It is as if I should say that the application of a word does not pass in one moment in front of my eye ’ ( 1964 : 15 ) .
20 Lili frowned , and I wondered what would happen if I should say that the wedding was cancelled .
21 I should imagine that the word consternation would suitably describe their reaction .
22 I should add that the court 's answer in paragraph 19 to question 2(b) , which referred to claims in ‘ tort and contract and for unjust enrichment ’ ( emphasis added ) would seem to have the effect of ruling out the third heading since it is a restitutionary claim not based on tort .
23 I should add that the outcome would have been no different even if the Act of 1985 had applied since Mr. Thomas concedes the time when the cause of action arises must be the same under both Acts .
24 Since the point has now been taken that in my judgment in that case I did not support that particular passage from the Master of the Rolls ' judgment , I should state that the reason was because I did not find it necessary to do so in the particular circumstances of that case .
25 I might add that the TV cameras moved in on this !
26 As this is a prototype instrument I 'll assume that the string fault I 've mentioned has already been spotted and rectified , otherwise any criticism is a matter of personal preference .
27 So if that 's that 's approved I 'll give that a tick and so we can bring it up again later .
28 So when I got older and wiser I thought I 'll give that a go and I 've enjoyed it ever since .
29 I 'll concede that the use of Superstor complicates the issue with its compressed and non-compressed sections on the same physical drive and its swapping designations between drives C and D.
30 I 'll see that a copy is sent to Annabel . ’
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