Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is not surprising that many people , some of whom may have seen the equity in their homes rise tenfold , should decide to spend more .
2 Either of them may have seen the killer .
3 ’ The concluding words show that a claim to contribution might arise under the Act of 1935 out of tortious conduct committed by two or more persons even though one or both of them may have committed a crime in the course of such conduct .
4 WHEN military dictators fall , the democrats who follow them must try to restore the rule of law , as well as rule by the majority .
5 I think , however , I may have discovered a cure .
6 Not much to report this week on the home front , except that I have a sneaking feeling I may have broken a bone in my right hand .
7 But the time has come to admit that in my efforts to explain this one valid point I may have misled the reader in other ways .
8 But I feel I should return just a moment to the matter of my father ; for it strikes me I may have given the impression earlier that I treated him rather bluntly over his declining abilities .
9 In distinguishing between ( a ) and ( b ) I may have given the impression of wishing to maintain a strict distinction between space and time as against the physical space-time .
10 I may have to spend a lot of my time in Scotland now — perhaps even look for a Scottish constituency — and your work is in London . ’
11 I may have abused the trust Dr Kingdom placed in me . ’
12 Raymond is n't fond of Jewish cooking and I may have lost the knack .
13 I may have got the idea from him in the first place , but that 's all .
14 by then I may have sold the house and , I mean , as soon as I sell the house
15 A little too sweet , and I may have overdone the spice .
16 I may have to learn a notion of proof different from that to which I am accustomed .
17 I may have changed a word here or there , but apart from that it 's all exact .
18 Sydney said that he was very pleased that someone should want to take the time , money and effort to operate a Great War aerodrome and expressed his thanks to Torquil , Vic and all that had made it possible …
19 Nevertheless , if at a later date someone should wish to cure the horse of such a bad habit they will find it difficult to do so .
20 I must stop taking the mickey out of Banbury United .
21 I must start using the library .
22 I decided I must try to find the man who had been watching us .
23 It would be tedious and is not , I think , necessary to examine them all but I must seek to trace the development of the law through the main decisions and I intend to refer to them in chronological order .
24 I must have heard a car door slam , or something . ’
25 I must have destroyed a bomber !
26 I told Michael what he wanted to hear , pretty much , without actually promising anything , because I could tell he was going to make it easy for me He was falling asleep on my shoulder When he did , I slipped out from under him , picked up his sexy uniform , which did n't seem quite so sexy any more , and took his glider key off the chain Then I got dressed quick , holding the key in my teeth , and then I went over to the kite , but I must have made a noise ; because Michael woke up I looked back and saw him putting both feet in one leg of his trousers , calling my name , trying to back out of it
27 ‘ I 'm sorry , sir , I must have made a mistake . ’
28 I must have made an impression ! ’
29 Then she slumped back in her chair , mouthing the nicotine-dosed chewing gum she used instead of cigarettes , and I thought I must have imagined an intensity of which she was surely incapable .
30 So I had a market cornered and good access to American trips because I used to like writing about that , even though on the early stuff I must have affected a punk rock stance long after it was all over . ’
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