Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [verb] been [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But Lévi-Strauss rather objects to the ethnocentrism of Sartre 's argument , for it means that ‘ man ’ , the constituents of whom should have been the result and product of Sartre 's anthropology , is defined in advance in terms of the dialectic as historical humanity , with history effectively restricted to societies of the West .
2 " Sometimes I think I must have been a horse in a previous incarnation . "
3 I must have been the thorn between the roses , ’ he said , with some satisfaction .
4 They say I should 've been a member of Leith branch .
5 I should have been a lesbian !
6 I should have been a detective , she thought , as her journey ended .
7 I should have been a bit a bit clearer about that .
8 I should have been an actress .
9 I should have been an accountant or an administrator instead of a doctor !
10 I should have been the hero of the game but I will always be known as the one who lost it .
11 Later I learned that the wedding had nearly been postponed , as the two families thought I might have been a terrorist uttering a veiled warning against the nuptials .
12 Again those expressions of disgust : I might have been a leopard trapped by big-game hunters , when mercy did not enter into their thoughts .
13 The reaction to that speech - and my reaction to that , the attempt to explain and apologise — put a firm stop to any hope I might have had that I might have been a candidate for leadership of the party . ’
14 I might have been the butterfly I 'd watched enmeshed on the hanging geranium in Auntie 's backyard .
15 ‘ After all you 've done in the past for Rosemary and me , and are still doing , ’ he went on , ‘ I got to thinking yesterday that I could have been a sight more energetic in letting you know how delighted I am that you 're going to marry my cousin .
16 I could have been a cricketer — I had two uncles who captained the English counties years ago — but a photographer , no .
17 From behind I could have been a man with my hood up .
18 She said last night , ‘ I played steady golf and , although I could have been a bit sharper , I am not disappointed with my start .
19 Or I could have been a bit less awkward , and said , you just give me the positive one .
20 I could have been a set-up .
21 I could have been a model , I reckon , though at twenty five I suppose I 'm too old now .
22 Well you should have invited me round and I could have been the guy .
23 With the cash to match my pretensions I 'd have been a menace for our Dennis .
24 I 'd have been a martyr , would n't I ?
25 I 'd have been a lot more worried if I 'd known how much it was going to be …
26 If it had n't of been for the war I 'd have been a model !
27 ‘ I do n't believe for one minute I 'd have been the saviour , but I 'd have loved the chance to make a contribution in my country 's hour of need .
28 I would have been a bit more calm , I would have thought , ‘ There 's someone out there 1 6 who cares . ’
29 Fortune having smiled on them , and I mean if it had n't been for a lump of expanded foam out of one of the life boats that had blown up at , if it had n't come floating past me , I mean I would have been a goner as well , but I got hold of that .
30 I think I wanted to convince myself that I was going to be all right because if I did n't and if I stopped to think about what was really going on , I would have been a mess .
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