Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [verb] [to-vb] [that] we " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , I just thought I 'd write to suggest that we meet up at some point ; I do enjoy trying to get to know some of my cousins , especially when they 're not hundreds of miles away .
2 But I mean , it could be er could be ver we 're talking about redundancies now , are n't we , so it , er , I think you know , I 'd like to move that we do do that , if the if there 's a seconder , and and and lobby very strongly .
3 Finally , I 'd like to mention that we shall be recommending for shareholders a one for one scrip issue .
4 For instance : ‘ I think we should be getting some of our employees to work from home ’ or ‘ I 'd like to suggest that we go home early . ’
5 ( b ) I 'd like to suggest that we go home early . ’
6 Now I think , er and I 'm sure that Mrs will , I 've I 've got other information as well , that we could , I , I , I 'd like to recommend that we had an on going petition which could be in Welfare Rights , the Town Hall , The Libraries , but there 's no , I do n't think there 's an opposition to such a thing , whereby we ask for a P D S A clinic in Harlow , I 'm sure there 's room round where they were sit , sited before , and I do n't know , you know , I 'd like to know what Mrs 's thinks , also I 've got information er , a , following lots of phone calls erm there is an organisation called The Blue Cross , they have a clinic in Victoria and they 're , they have a head office in Oxford and they will help if they know the name of the vet and have the invoice and I 'm afraid it 's tested , but they will help pensioner 's and other low paid people to meet there bill 's , so that 's another outcome , while were doing the petition .
7 Right , colleagues , we 're now going to the Energy and Utilities debate and er I 'd like to propose that we do it in the following fashion .
8 But branches need a facility , it 's not about in-fighting , it 's about something that actually happened within my branch , I 'd like to add that we won the appeal , when the branch went through it raised two questions , we won one , we lost one .
9 Well sceptical silence , but that 's what I 'd like to think that we , we were doing .
10 Er , before we start , I would like to say that we have received a request er , I think it was from Longman Dic tories er Dictionaries to have er , one of our meetings recorded , and er , after discussing with the leader of the Council , er and er we decided that that this may be the best committee to record .
11 I would like to say that we should be concentrating on traffic management schemes which included traffic calming and take this I 'd like to give you a few examples .
12 I would like to say that we , the locals , will be very pleased to show you round .
13 When my colleague to my right here , Roger and myself put forward a motion at last council on this issue ably led by our glorious leader to my left I would like to say that we 've set up .
14 I would like to propose that we send our best wishes and congratulations to Trevor to mark that marvellous achievement .
15 Cos I do n't mind taking this action erm , I think the the thought is that I would like to propose that we have a word with the government .
16 I would like to think that we 've pass for two hundred and fifty , subject to Trevor being satisfied .
17 It has been suggested that early alarms were ignored but I would like to emphasize that we are greatly curtailed as to actions a public body can take based only on hearsay and rumour .
18 I would hate to feel that we were taking jobs away from Leeds in the sense that er people from Leeds felt compelled to move to Harrogate to do those jobs and I would can not help feeling that elsewhere in Yorkshire , and I 'm thinking particularly of South and West Yorkshire , there are many derelict industrial sites which re need to be recycled before we
19 Er , a knowledge but erm , I would have to move that we can not accept this recommendation because , it 's not that we do n't er support the scheme within this paper , but it 's that we can not accept .
20 And you may like to know that we have not neglected the infant 's biological need to suckle .
21 You may like to know that we are represented on the Wales Access Forum , which has just been set up under the auspices of the Countryside Council for Wales .
22 Perhaps as one remembers this , one could pause to think that we have weapons 1000 times more powerful than the ones which caused this destruction .
23 We would like to believe that we are a useful , important and respectable part of the book trade .
24 Mick , we took a decision at erm Apex Conference two years ago erm whereby we decided that er anywhere where we had G M B members we would attempt to ensure that we have recognition with the private security firms used .
25 We can find out far easier what is really required , and they can begin to realize that we 're not just a set of photographs at back of church with names underneath , that we 're actually person who are thinking of speaking .
26 If so it would seem to suggest that we have an absolute rule of conduct or an agreed blue-print of morality to which there can be no exceptions .
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