Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [verb] [verb] a [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 I may have got a better deal by moving to Australia , and I still have ambitions to play there .
2 Perhaps I should have formed a better plan ; perhaps I should have made instead for the Villa Diodati , to see if I could secure any friends and allies there .
3 There I should have welcomed a faster tempo both for the waltz of the first half , and for the galop of the second , both of them evoking the atmosphere of the fairground as a tenth birthday tribute to the Fairfield Hall in Croydon .
4 he more or less sort of said well I 'll have to have a cheaper car .
5 I was n't very happy with my legal representation ; in fact , I think I could have done a better job myself .
6 Yep The Don was crap — I could have done a better job .
7 Among people in their fifties there is a marked sense that , " if only I had been born 20 years later I could have had a better time ! "
8 ‘ If I was Sam , I 'd want to achieve a better car , ’ Jazz said .
9 The acoustic in the solo works is a shade reverberant , and I 'd have liked a longer gap after the Concerto , but the recording quality throughout is very acceptable .
10 I 'd like to have a younger-looking face , but do n't like the idea of plastic surgery .
11 I would like to see a greater international understanding and acceptance of the fundamental principles underlying UK financial reporting .
12 If it were not , you may be sure that I would have arranged a better climate for the Brits than the Lord has seen fit to give them . ’
13 Casting into the gap between the willows would have been difficult but I would have taken a bigger net of fish , with a couple of sizeable ones maybe , for I could have hauled each fish out of the swim immediately it was hooked and kept disturbance down to a minimum .
14 I would have added a further recommendation to the Clapham conclusions : that British Rail should forthwith desist from any further advertising expenditure and re-route the money to the improvement of safety and engineering standards .
15 But I will try to lead a better life . ’
16 Our data were subject to several constraints : a far lower response rate from probation officers in the second survey ; the effects of changes in agency policies and practices during the two survey years ( e.g. medics ' notifying practices , police detection efforts/successes ) ; the ‘ loss ’ of some users identified in the first survey , and of some new users , to institutions and agencies not covered by the research ( e.g. custody , rehabilitation units , drug agencies in adjacent areas ) ; disillusionment with some agencies among heroin users ( particularly medical services ) , which may have produced a higher ratio of unknown to known users than in the previous year ; the optimistic assumption of 20 per cent annual outcidence-for instance , one review of follow-up studies of opioid users suggests that outcidence after one year is typically around 10 per cent , and may only reach 40–50 per cent after ten years , even for those who have received ‘ treatment ’ ( Home Office 1986 , ch. 7 ) ; and the decline in the size of the youth population , due largely to the drop in the birth rate during the 1960s-that is , the absolute number of known heroin users could decrease while the rate per 1,000 youths remained the same or even increased ( the population figures from which our prevalence rates were calculated derived from 1981 Census statistics , and do not take into account projected trends ) .
17 These included care of the mentally ill ( which then also included the elderly with mental disability ) — these categories which should have received a bigger slice of the cake , actually received a smaller percentage of health board funding during the funding period from 1981–82 to 1985–86 .
18 On the other hand , there were steps which de Gaulle might have taken in 1944 – 46 — steps which might have produced a better outcome on the ( to him ) all-important issue of the constitution and might also have bolstered his popularity .
19 Instead of the blue uniform , which sat well on his big frame , he was sporting a hideous shirt patterned with palm trees and his plump buttocks were compressed into a pair of fawn slacks , the cut of which would have flattered a slimmer figure but was less than kind to his own .
20 Carol and Mark were ever loyal and proud of their mother , while Denis had a role which would have dismayed a weaker man .
21 The return flight was made via Horta in the Azores due to not having a Maia-assisted take-off , which would have allowed a heavier fuel load .
22 This meant further discontent on the part of the workers and peasants , which would have meant a greater use of coercion by the state .
23 You can also vary the number of rows knitted for the pin tuck itself , but if you want more rows knitted with the front bed needles alone , you may need to use a thinner yarn and/or pushing down wheels to help knit the stitches correctly .
24 Firstly , if , as they have been , house sales are still sticking when you come to sell , you may have to accept a lower price than you had hoped to get ( although , of course , you may also be able to buy your new property more cheaply ) .
25 Her publications list appears to consist of only two papers , but she may have had a greater influence than this suggests ( J. White , personal communication ) .
26 ‘ Then you should have packed a smaller one — as you were told to do ! ’
27 You should have got a bigger size in n it Dawn ?
28 But maybe they should n't have — she must have known a better life before this , and what right had they to claim her as their own without having brought her up ?
29 Mrs Ross ’ s condition had deteriorated ; she had fallen out of bed and it seemed she might have suffered a further stroke .
30 B-R has told Margaret Wilkinson that if she wants to go by rail she 'll have to get a narrower wheelchair .
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