Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [be] the [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 I thought there might be a vacancy occurring for a programme editor and wrote , maybe a little presumptuously : " I think I could be the man for the job . "
2 The diffused light , which we started with at the collective level , has become a powerful current , and we ourselves can be the channel for it .
3 Certainly its thinking is complemented by a knowledge of the longer text which may be the reason for its appearing after both books of the Scale in the early printed editions .
4 By Greenham standards , which must be the yardstick for these things , the camp was minute .
5 Important , too , although not always easy to evaluate , is the evidence which we may call literary , not merely the chronicles , but rather the tracts , pamphlets , newsletters and even poetry through which people expressed their ideas and views , as well as their emotions , on contemporary issues and problems , which might be the need for government to be better managed , hope of peace , or the criteria according to which society 's military leaders should be chosen .
6 When teachers give them a few simple objects ( cardboard boxes , old clothes , bits of material , and the like ) which could be the basis for playful construction , the children do n't know what to do .
7 Research and Strategy — local authorities should carry out detailed ongoing research into the housing needs of every community and produce a strategy which would be the basis for all housing provision and development .
8 MITI will receive three , including one for its new National Institute of Advanced Interdisciplinary Research in Tsukuba which will be the centre for a large-scale government-industry project on nanotechnology .
9 The Serb frontline now all but encircles Jajce and runs east just north of Travnik and turns north not far from Vitez , which will be the base for the Cheshire Regiment battalion group .
10 I use the term here in the language teaching sense of the presentation of new language items which will be the focus for the next unit of work .
11 East Grinstead is the first store to be built with a fully self service staff restaurant , which will be the model for all future branches .
12 It is in the life and fragrance of that person , Jesus of Nazareth , that we have a pattern of care and love for all things which can be the basis for a discipleship that takes in a holistic approach to life .
13 John Madge made a useful distinction between various sorts of people who may be the subject for the sociologist 's interview .
14 She may be the bird for which some wicked fowler will spread his snares .
15 So one person will do the bandage on the elbow and the other person with the good looking knees , you 'll be the casualty for where you 've got to put the knee bandage on , cos you wo n't , if you do n't roll your trousers up a bit you 're not going to have much bandage to do much bandaging with on the knee , okay , so decide amongst yourselves who 's got the good looking knee
16 CATCH it while you can is the message for holidaymakers who have not experienced the alluring magic of Hong Kong .
17 Whether for special occasions , concerts or visits by distinguished people , there may be the chance for the Church 's music to reach and influence a wider public .
18 Additionally , there would be the potential for widening the scope of the ‘ shorter-paper ’ series by including more non-systematic papers , which would increase its appeal to the academic community .
19 So it may be the Regional Association or perhaps the local estuary er Sailing Association is first contacted and what will happen er when one is contacted is that you will come into contact with environmentalists and conservationists and not all environmentalists and conservationists are quite as af affable and conciliatory as I am , some can be quite confrontational and therefore there will be the need for a considerable amount of lip biting and self restraint .
20 It is appalling it should be the scene for this attack , ’ he said .
21 It should be the priority for school management .
22 It might be the setting for A Midsummer Night 's Dream , thought Sara ; sleepily stretching herself , and any minute now Titania and her train of fairies might glide across the grass and into the trees .
23 ‘ I think I will ride pillion on the way out , but I reckon it 'll be the sidecar for me on the way back . ’
24 The background establishes the location by showing a silhouette landscape of domes and minarets : it could be the back-drop for a village production of the Desert song .
25 In others it could be the springboard for a two-hour session .
26 I mention this cos it could be THE way for list members to get their tickets from the LUFC ticket office , and avoid all that hopeless phoning .
27 It could be the answer for them all , just as it could be the answer for Len Seager . ’
28 It could be the answer for them all , just as it could be the answer for Len Seager . ’
29 If there is a formal report , it could be the end for Dooley , England 's most capped lock , who was dropped after punching an opponent in the infamous 1987 England-Wales brawl .
30 Energy therefore provides a potentially useful theme throughout the branches of physical geography and there are indications that it could be the basis for a more integrated approach .
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