Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [conj] well [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Er because having written half the songs as well , the lyrics all mean something so I may as well have spoken them as sung them .
2 I asked , but I might as well have saved my breath because the plane suddenly climbed , banked , then began descending fast towards the island again .
3 I might as well have grown asparagus in the time . ’ ’
4 ‘ It 's just that I might as well have stayed in the sitting-room , that 's all . ’
5 I might as well have lobotomised the patients .
6 I might as well have pleaded aloud with him to make love to me , she thought , I wanted him so much !
7 I might as well have had that shower , she thought drily ; at least I would have felt a hundred times more human .
8 I might as well have had the game as well as the name . ’
9 I might as well have suggested that Spock was a paedophile .
10 If I pulled out he would probably do me over for being a chicken , but if I competed and beat him ( unlikely but not impossible ) … well , I might as well have booked my hospital bed then and there .
11 I could n't sleep so I thought I might as well get going . ’
12 ‘ Soon I thought I might as well try to get into a band and so I answered a few ads in Melody Maker and joined a few bands .
13 ‘ If you are going to make cutbacks then you may as well stop talking about a parish ministry .
14 I 'm not going to advise the trustees to release the inheritance even if you do continue , so you may as well get rid of her .
15 Well she might as well get rid of him now , I suppose while she 's young enough to find perhaps find
16 as if pleading helped — she might as well try to appeal to the better nature of a power-crazed tyrant .
17 Chewing on her lip in thought , she finally set off towards the ten-gallon drums , reasoning that she might as well try to find out as much as possible while she was here , and run like hell when the time came .
18 She might as well have saved her breath .
19 She might as well have saved her breath .
20 ‘ I 'm not an invalid , ’ she protested , but she might as well have argued with a rock .
21 ‘ You are quite mistaken , ’ she said desperately , but she might as well have spared her breath .
22 She might as well have addressed her request to the tablecloth .
23 But since I am not real and they are not real you might as well stop reading at about this point .
24 No one would be more grateful than I if I could stop looking at every penny , but you wo n't catch Amsterdam so you might as well stop trying .
25 ‘ I mean to find out , even if it entails keeping you here indefinitely , so you might as well start talking and get it over with .
26 You might as well hope to get manure from a rockin' horse 's backside as help from Him . ’
27 ‘ We had a common view , ’ Lewis once conceded in a letter , but we had it before we met , ’ insisting that no one ever influenced Tolkien : ‘ You might as well try to influence a bandersnatch . ’
28 Popular culture gives us plenty of female verbal incontinence ( cf the Andy Capp joke : ‘ when two wives get together , who has the last word ? ’ ) and illogical women who ca n't keep to the point ( as a character in the soap opera Coronation Street comments , ‘ you might as well try to knit fog as follow what 's in a woman 's mind ’ ) .
29 You see that 's the trouble you see every individual is different in the make up of life they are , so some 'd get pregnant by oh you might as well say looking at one another and another one they might perhaps go years and not get pregnant .
30 You might as well say take him on the swings in the park .
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