Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [adv] do [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll just do your desk top and whatnot and if you can ask Jess to clean the floor , alright ?
2 I could still do my job , but my heart was n't in the day-to-day scramble for the latest pictures .
3 I like this girl , cos she 's Welsh , just , I ca n't do her accent , but she kept saying it several times , he was getting really pissed off with her .
4 I ca n't do my job .
5 No , I ca n't do your homework !
6 The advantage of the professional help ( i.e. from the yard owner or manager ) is that it is guaranteed ; you know you wo n't get a panicky phone call saying ‘ Sorry , I ca n't do your horse because my car 's broken down/the kids are ill . ’
7 Right now I think my number one priority is to prove that I can actually do my job , ’ Lindsey said tautly .
8 But in terms of induction training , to make sure someone can actually do their job ,
9 But if you truly believe , and if you 're inspired by a band — and you have to be inspired by something — then I think you should just do your homework , and just realise that life existed before Van Halen … ’
10 She had experienced mounting terror at the thought of a new role in which she would certainly prove a failure — a woman who could not do her work , could not save her father , could not love her mother , could not satisfy her man , was most unlikely to make any sort of mother .
11 Fieldwork brings an indispensable first-hand contact with problems : ‘ You ca n't do our job in an office .
12 Other documentation you receive and certainly is this one and you ca n't do your job without that and that 's a blank of of the layout .
13 Had he grown to think she would meekly do his bidding ?
14 If you 'd had a good horse , you asked for hol holiday with er , alright you 'd get it , you would n't do your horse , you know , they 'd take your horse off you .
15 A few scenes stood out awkwardly : Robyn soothing her tearful female student who ca n't do her essay because has to do a bit of modelling to make up her grant ( 'It 's not fair , ’ she sobs , in one of the script 's less ingenious lines ) ; Robyn 's unlikely outburst at a Pringle meeting when an Asian worker is nominated for sacking .
16 ‘ You know that you can not do my hand , ’ says Isabelle , ‘ they will see it at work .
17 I could n't go out without him because we 'd agreed we 'd both do our share .
18 Yeah we do we ca n't do our job without .
19 If you 're form two they always look to you to , I mean we ca n't do our thing by ourselves but soon as something needs done , doing they look to us .
20 If the house was above the road , it came from it , and cross 'd the way to run to another ; if the house was below us , it cross 'd us from some other distant house above it , and at every considerable house was a manufactory or work-house , and as they could not do their business without water , the little streams were so parted and guided by gutters and pipes , and by turning and dividing the streams , that none of those houses were without a river , if I may call it so , running into and through their work-houses .
21 They 'd tell you they would n't do your job , and you 'd tell them you would n't do theirs !
22 He was saying they ca n't do their job they ca n't go out and get these proper bloody criminals
23 If you 've got teenagers , they ca n't do their homework unless they 've got the ra , the television on and the er , the Walkman at the same time .
24 The police say they can only do their job if that information 's kept secret .
25 They can then do their spot and leave , with the family and friends organizing the rest of the party .
26 Yes — in fact , she remembered thinking that a touch of it would n't do her assistant any harm …
27 ‘ If he ca n't do his job he should consider his position , ’ said Mr Gould .
28 ‘ Yes , ’ my father said , ‘ I shall go and take you two girls if you are fit to be seen , and it wo n't do your mother any harm either . ’
29 If one end of the comb is higher than the other , it can not do its job of pulling down evenly on the stitches .
30 In order to guarantee the Council 's legal responsibilities ; to preserve the public 's access to information ; and to preserve the clear channels of communication and a smooth exchange of information without which it can not do its business , local authorities need to give very close attention to who is responsible for the electronic information bases of the departments that are going through the process of white-collar CCT .
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