Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [adv] [adv] [vb infin] her " in BNC.

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1 After she left I could n't even hear her name mentioned without breaking out into a cold sweat . ’
2 I could just barely hear her yells and shouts , a thin wailing carried on the wind .
3 I could almost always hear her voice in my ear throughout most of the sketches , but the subtlety of her nursery school teacher would often escape me .
4 I ca n't even remember her name now . ’
5 I ca n't even remember her surname .
6 I ca n't even remember her erm maiden name .
7 But as the months became years she could no longer hide her feelings .
8 She could no longer feel her feet , but , glancing down at them , not too obviously for fear Richard should feel that he ought to do something about them , she saw that both of them were now bleeding .
9 She could no longer feel her legs .
10 She could no longer identify her own Englishness — it was lost under the thick veneer of assumed Italian ways and manners .
11 She was the last person living to speak the language of the native islanders , so it was a pity that she could no longer use her tongue , except now and then to rasp out a harsh fragment of a song .
12 She felt she could no longer trust her own ideas , the disagreements she had had with Clare , Bryony and Sue must be due to her own ignorance .
13 She did not move , she was too heavy with all that had happened , she could not even lift her hands to cover her face .
14 She could not even put her head through the door .
15 She could not even imagine her father here .
16 She could not even define her feelings .
17 She could not merely flush her body like a toilet bowl .
18 She could not now shrug her shoulders .
19 But what they were she could not quite put her finger on .
20 Of uncertain extent , population and resources , economically backward , she could not always exercise her full weight in international affairs .
21 Out in the corral , tied so tight to the big stake in the centre that the Argentines call a palemque that she could n't even move her head , was the little grey pony .
22 Her hand trembled but she could n't even tear her gaze away to check whether any of the liquid had spilt , as Rune 's low , intense voice continued smoothly .
23 He was treating her as if he knew her , as if he cared what she thought , and she could n't even get her face under control .
24 Something primal , which she could n't quite put her finger on .
25 She could therefore only love her sister more that , when it came to choosing between this most important interview of her career or flying to her husband 's bedside , Cara was n't hesitating to fly to where love and instinct guided .
26 The inner ring itself could never quite understand her arrival there , and concluded finally that she made it through sheer cheek .
27 She knew herself well enough to know that if he challenged her account in the latter mode she 'd almost certainly lose her temper with him , and then the atmosphere between them , which had been ( with the exception of his overtures ) so easy and undemanding , would be spoiled .
28 Supported by her two companions she found that she need not even move her feet .
29 Leo , you must tell her that it is Doctor 's Orders that she must not look after her father any more — that it is too much for her — that she need not even see her father until she is quite well enough , and the doctor has himself offered to find a suitable place , so that she will know her father will be well looked after .
30 You ca n't even spell her name , I think she 's going to be deeply insulted with that , to spell her name wrong
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