Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You may be sure , ’ said Jared Tunstall , ‘ that if ever I do go bankrupt I should certainly die of grief , or of mortification at such a turn .
2 ‘ If I have to listen to that dreadful Melissa for another hour , I might just die of boredom .
3 I would rather die of pneumonia than cancer . ’
4 I always used to , there was a time when I would n't dream of painting indoors .
5 But I would n't know of course .
6 If however he had entertained any doubt on the matter , I feel sure that he would as a matter I will not say of honesty but of courtesy refused [ sic ] to accept the money until the position had been made clear to him .
7 Look I can not conceive of development taking place on this land without coming into conflict with those policies .
8 or kind of oven in nine , I can only think of Oakhouse as a kind of oven but erm I do n't know whether that 's it or not .
9 Similarly , in Jefferson v Cape Insulation Ltd ( 3 December 1981 ) Farquharson J awarded substantial damages to a woman who knew she must soon die of mesothelioma for her evident distress in being parted from her family : per Farquharson J : I have also to bear in mind … that the major misery this woman is going to sustain is not the pain , serious and terrible as that is , but the prospect which must be continually in her mind of being parted from her family , and particularly her youngest child .
10 Especially , she must not think of fitzAlan .
11 And you might well argue of course that if you are subsidizing films which have no cultural merit or whatever then why we are doing this and that , that would be a question to ask .
12 ‘ London life , ’ Pascoe said , ‘ you 'll never die of boredom . ’
13 She 'd probably die of pneumonia , if Nathan did n't throw her overboard first .
14 Without inherited wealth or a rich patron , you could n't dream of painting .
15 If you ca n't think of conversation , go over your phrases with them .
16 She would rather die of starvation , or sunburn , than face Piers Morrison , who had revealed a side to her which she had never even suspected existed .
17 She would not think of kissing and being kissed before the white eyes of the Virgin .
18 She would never smell of milk , or the urine of infants , or laundry-steam rising from linen indiscriminately washed .
19 She stood there a moment , looking out across the pre-dawn darkness of the spaceport , barely conscious of the passengers pushing by , knowing that this was probably the last view she would ever have of City Europe — the City in which she had spent her whole life .
20 Many permissive parents who would never dream of beating or otherwise hurting their child may frequently utter a harsh word or send the child from the room for misbehaving .
21 , ’ If the quotation is a common one you could acknowledge this fact but turn it into a plus , ‘ We all know the lovely poem by John Masefield , which you can never tire of hearing , ( Pause ) ‘ I must go down to the seas
22 The Copenhagen school had made a special point of emphasising that one ought never to think of quantum mechanical systems without also annexing to them the array of classical measuring instruments with which it was proposed to make the observations .
23 That idea is that sovereignty is something to be guarded , preserved and held in splendid isolation , the idea that we must always think of sovereignty as something that we are required to hand over , required to lose , to surrender or to sacrifice — conceding , in the words of my right hon. Friend the Member for Finchley , powers demanded by the Community .
24 Now we could n't complain of overwork .
25 Noticeable notice that our our growth er , items er six and seven additional enforcement officer er officers for countryside protection , er we can actually like to do that and I 'll just come on to that in a moment when I get to two B but also in terms of growth er this group wants to see ten er whole time fire fighters , additional whole time fire fighters erm we wo n't get better in terms of confidence though fire engine survey this year but we we 'd rather sort of form
26 One need only think of water , gas , electricity and telephone charges , which fall disproportionately on single person households .
27 Foreigners who visit here are aghast that we would even think of gold mining in such a wild and unpolluted area .
28 Thus , we will frequently think of character or characterisation in drama or poetry in terms of novels , and particularly the novels which stress psychological interiority .
29 We buy clothes because we like them , are inspired by them , ca n't ( supposedly ) live without them … but rarely because we will otherwise die of exposure .
30 We can surely think of pleasure and pain as referring to felt qualities of experience without denying that these qualities are of radically different kinds .
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