Example sentences of "[pron] [subord] she [vb past] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My face must have registered something because she took a step backwards .
2 The patient , whom I shall call Maxine , first came to see me because she had a phobia about water — a phobia which was becoming so exaggerated that she could not even bear to put her hands in water and had to rely on creams and lotions to cleanse her face and body .
3 My shirts and nightwear were still " Annie Thompson " exclusives ( which was her maiden name ) and she would frequently scold herself when she made a mistake in her work and oddly I find that I do the same thing , even today , a sort of " pull your finger out Mahaddie " .
4 Only an actor 's hair could fall across his brow with just that air of studied abandon , only an actor could ask her if she had a room available in just those tones of highwayman , doomed poet and pathetic little boy all rolled into one .
5 I grinned lopsidedly and asked her if she wanted a drink .
6 As the sharks circled closer , two dolphins appeared at her side and protected her until she reached a buoy and could climb up onto it to safety .
7 There was one time she was all dressed up to go to town and I did n't know her because she had a hat on .
8 After less than an hour , he deliberately nudged her as she carried a pile of plates .
9 Fabia felt a nibble of excitement get to her as she ran a comb through her long golden hair , and even found that there were traces of a smile picking up the corners of her mouth .
10 ‘ It 's roast suckling pig , ’ Guido told her as she took a mouthful .
11 She could feel Jackie watching her as she took a step forward , but she resisted the temptation to glance back , thrusting herself away from him , one step after another , angrily trying to justify her uncharacteristic behaviour and telling herself that she had no need to justify it .
12 The rector leant against the dresser and watched her as she fetched a vase and arranged the freesias .
13 She did n't want it , did n't need it and who would be there for her when she needed a shoulder to sob on ?
14 ‘ Punish you ? ’ she raised one eyebrow at him as she put a plate of food at his place at the table .
15 Then she lowered it until she heard a splash and the rope went slack .
16 Rain had reached it when she heard a thud from the direction of Linley 's room .
17 Betty discouraged a fly from sitting on it and watched it as she prepared a salad for herself .
18 She had fed the precious child herself and carried it with her into the fields , watching it as she wielded a hoe or sickle , tears of weakness and fatigue often coursing down her dusty cheeks .
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