Example sentences of "[pron] [subord] they be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , even Cabinet ministers may not hear of them until they are told on the morning of Budget day by the Chancellor .
2 It is always hoped that the point-to-pointers of today will become the National Hunt stars of tomorrow , but young horses will learn nothing if they are subjected to a bumping match every time they run .
3 He saw that WWF 's first requirement was to convince leaders of political , economic and social life that their own plans and ambitions could come to nothing if they were pursued without regard to those vital things on which all life depended .
4 Go easy on the deck chairs though and only steam clean them if they are made from cotton or canvas .
5 People were far more willing to use them if they were diluted in a traditional herbal infusion like chamomile .
6 The Council not only considered proposals for degrees and other awards , it gave assistance and advice in the early stages of the formulation of courses , and in amending them if they were rejected by the Council .
7 Held , dismissing the appeal , that once the father had acquiesced in the removal of the children within the meaning of article 13 ( a ) , the court in the exercise of its discretion under that article was entitled to take into account the interests of the children even though there was no grave risk to them if they were returned to their place of residence within the meaning of article 13 ( b ) ; but that , under article 13 ( a ) , the children 's interests were not paramount and had to be balanced against the purpose of the Convention , which was the return of children wrongfully removed within the meaning of article 3 ; and that , accordingly , the judge had rightly considered the children 's interests when exercising her discretion under article 13 ( post , pp. 546G — 547E , F–G , 548G — 549A ) .
8 These would be kept in reserve by you until they were required in answer to cross-examination .
9 Many clients like to shop around before they commit themselves to a solicitor and like to feel that they can find something out about you before they are committed to the payment of fees .
10 As a Bank that looks after its customers ' financial welfare , we know just how important the benefits offered by this Plan could be to you as they are paid at a time when you would need real financial help .
11 As a Bank that looks after its customers ' financial welfare , we know just how important the benefits offered by this Plan could be to you as they are paid at a time when you need real financial help .
12 And in the computer model too , the numerical values of the nine genes only mean something when they are translated into growing rules for the branching tree pattern .
13 I 'd never part with them because they were made for me .
14 For some consultants , a waiting list was a badge of status and district health authorities were n't too anxious to get rid of them because they were used by MPs to reinforce claims for more resources .
15 He made one of his expostulatory noises , seldom employed but powerful , and looked at her carefully from ten feet away in the water , lifting his spectacles to the bridge of his nose and then having to peer under them because they were crusted with salt , raising his head rather merrily , like a sea lion balancing a ball on its snout .
16 It 's the cause of the divisive broad band streaming which I think some comprehensives have been persuaded to use , and I 'm forced to say how can a child really value himself or herself if they are placed in the bottom band of such a school throughout the time when they are at that comprehensive ?
17 German cars may be wonders of technology , but fewer people can afford to buy them while they are made in Germany .
18 Most employers spoken to made clear that , were permanent vacancies to arise , temporary workers would be in the best position to compete for them since they were known to the organisation .
19 Erm , they were not interviewed , they if they were accepted by a teacher training college they received erm a maximum of , of fifty pounds a year but erm as far as I can remember there was no loan erm element in that but I m I may be wrong because er but I never can remember erm writing to recover loans from the training college student .
20 A few days later he begged for the offices held by his father and complained that it would be a great disgrace to him if they were granted to anyone else .
21 There is no National Insurance on the company 's contributions to the fund , and the employee pays no income tax on the shares allocated to him or her provided they are held for at least five years .
22 Would he have listened to her then , if she had not flung that furious retort at him before they were confronted by Ralf ?
23 ‘ They all have their mileage cut to under under ten thou before they 're offered for sale .
24 ‘ It 's no trouble , honey , ’ her hostess was assuring her as they were joined by Ben and Ross .
25 Nikos smiled and said something softly in Greek , and for some reason Lindsey found herself blushing at the sudden contact of Niall 's hand against her arm , but she could n't interpret the look he gave her as they were ushered towards one of the few empty tables overlooking the harbour .
26 It must have showed — or else Tom Russell was already far too skilled at reading her emotions — because his first words to her when they were seated in his red sports car were , ‘ Cat got your tongue ? ’
27 The wall to the right of the door was covered with tools of the trade — chisels and punches of every size , mostly with handles of twisted willow which allowed the smith to hold them whilst they were struck with a seven pound sledgehammer and feel no vibration .
28 In reality they will do everything in their power to avoid this , because the primary function of their venom is to incapacitate their prey and they can not afford to waste it unless they are driven to extremes .
29 All she could do was keep him at arm 's length — and pray for the strength to keep on doing it till they were released from their snowy prison .
30 With COSE being such a ‘ last orders ’ affair , they were n't given much time to consider it when they were asked for support , apparently by Sun Microsystems Inc .
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