Example sentences of "[pron] [subord] [pers pn] [vb past] [be] to " in BNC.

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1 He asked me if I 'd been to Eton , but seemed more or less satisfied when I told him I was educated at Cheltenham Ladies ’ College .
2 When she 'd calmed down she asked me if I 'd been to the doctors , and we made arrangements for her to take me down .
3 He too wanted to talk to her about the attack , but found her far less ready to talk to him than she had been to the woman from the gipsy encampment .
4 In her own way , she had been every bit as insulting to him as he 'd been to her .
5 It was an Unmentionable Disease , and he 'd caught it because he 'd been to an Unmentionable Place and so it served him right , but that did n't make it any less sore .
6 We 'd hoped that such irritations were behind us , but then they started taking toothpaste and soap away from us after we 'd been to the bathroom .
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